
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Chronic nephritis patients with health care methods

Chronic glomerulonephritis (chronic nephritis) is an immune injury disease, until now there is no special effect to cure it, protect the kidneys, reduce the kidney further damage, slow down or inhibit the decline in renal function, still Is the purpose of the treatment of the disease requirements. In addition to the prescription drugs of the doctors, the patient's life management and the prevention of certain factors that damage the kidneys are an extremely important measure and must be done by the patient or his family. Only doctors and patients with close cooperation in order to get good results.

1, diet:
There are three major nutrients in food - protein, fat and carbohydrates. Which is associated with kidney disease is mainly protein. In the kidney disease, high protein load will increase glomerular sclerosis, accelerate renal function decline. Inadequate intake of malnutrition, reduce the body's resistance to disease, the human body is also unfavorable. This is a pair of contradictions: too much protein, the kidney adverse; lack of protein, the overall disadvantage. This requires patients to adjust their own "both sides can accept the midline" in order to avoid biased. In theory, the daily protein intake of about 60 grams is appropriate, but accurately count the number of food, not impossible, but cumbersome difficult to implement. Generally asked to do: the number of general family meals, not overeating, stable and relatively constant, regular review of blood albumin content and physical condition and make the appropriate adjustments. In addition, salt is closely related to high blood pressure, but excessive restrictions can cause decreased serum sodium concentration, long-term hyponatremia can cause harm to the body, including the nervous system, kidney, heart and muscle, which is another group of contradictions, More salt is not, less salt is not OK. In theory, the daily salt to 6 grams or so is appropriate, generally asked to do: food flavor is light, try not to eat salted food.

2, self-protection anti-infection:
Patients with nephritis, when the body resistance to disease decline, the occurrence of various infections, nephritis will increase or acute activity. Infected parts of the most common is the throat and respiratory tract, followed by skin and other parts. Therefore, the anti-cold, by wet, eat dry, irritating food, pay attention to oral clean, keep the skin clean, occasional damage and timely protection, to prevent bacterial invasion.

3, to deal with the appropriate activities and the relationship between fatigue:
With nephritis, excessive activity will aggravate the condition, such as changes in urine test will increase, increased urinary protein or hematuria increased, after the break is improved or restored to the original level. In principle, normal renal function, should participate in some gentle recreational activities, but the confrontation of the movement, or consume more physical exercise, is not so appropriate.

4, do not abuse drugs:
All kinds of drugs, many excreted from the kidneys, so the kidney is the most vulnerable to drug damage organs. A little carelessness will increase kidney damage. Before applying the drug, in addition to knowing whether the drug is effective for a disease, it must also be known whether the drug is toxic to the kidneys.

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