
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

What are the precautions for patients with hypertensive nephropathy?

Hypertensive nephropathy is essential for hypertension caused by benign small arterial nephrosclerosis and malignant arterial nephrosclerosis, and accompanied by the corresponding clinical manifestations of the disease.

What to Do Once You Were Diagnosed With Hypertensive Kidney Disease

    For the disease patients, if only by changing the way to control blood pressure, blood pressure is difficult to smooth, must give a positive antihypertensive drug treatment. There are many types of antihypertensive drugs commonly used today, including angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, beta-blockers, alpha-blockers, etc. The These different types of antihypertensive drugs through different mechanisms of action, blocking the blood pressure caused by different links, can achieve the purpose of lowering blood pressure. In the blood pressure to achieve the target value under the premise of different antihypertensive drugs in the kidney protective effect there are some differences, this time should be preferred kidney protection of the strongest drugs. Calcium channel blockers have a strong antihypertensive effect, the effect is not affected by the amount of salt, do not induce hyperkalemia, do not increase serum creatinine and other characteristics, so in the ACEI or ARB antihypertensive effect is poor, moderate to severe renal insufficiency or Patients with renal artery stenosis can still be selected. These advantages make calcium channel blockers widely used in the treatment of hypertension in chronic kidney disease.

Symptoms of Hypertensive Kidney Disease with Creatinine 2.3

    For the treatment of hypertension nephropathy, hypertension and kidney disease should be treated together, should be given the appropriate treatment measures, according to different patients with different conditions to take symptomatic treatment.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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