
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Chinese medicine treatment of renal cysts

Chinese medicine treatment of renal cysts Treatment of renal cysts is a good surgical treatment or good treatment of Chinese medicine? Renal cysts are multiple and there is a single, single treatment relative to the treatment of multiple treatment is relatively simple, for the treatment of renal cysts, surgical treatment and Chinese medicine treatment, many patients at this time undecided, Do not know whether the surgical treatment or traditional Chinese medicine treatment, then the following to tell you about the treatment of renal cysts is good or good treatment of traditional Chinese medicine treatment.

Surgical treatment of renal cysts - surgical treatment is mainly for more than 5cm cysts, if it is multiple cysts, surgical treatment is not ideal, because each time the cysts should be carried out for surgery, so for patients is also Can not help, and surgical treatment of renal cysts is only temporarily alleviate the cysts for kidney oppression, but not substantially from the damage to the kidney to repair, so there is a certain degree of recurrence. This is now a major drawback of surgical treatment.

Renal cysts of traditional  Chinese medicine treatment - the use of micro-infiltration of the hospital can be fundamentally applied to the lesion damaged parts of the kidney, the damaged kidney cells effectively repair, which can inhibit the cysts continue to grow, The source of liquid, the gradual softening of the cyst, and then the cyst gradually retracted. Chinese medicine treatment can be qi and blood circulation, specimen both, righting solid this.

So when the choice of treatment of renal cysts to carefully choose the treatment, try to cure the treatment, so as not to cause kidney failure, more harm than good. If you are now on the treatment of renal cysts what is not clear or want to learn more about the treatment of renal cysts, may wish to directly click on the bottom of the dialog box and kidney disease experts to get in touch. Wish kidney patients can be recovered soon.

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment
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