
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

How is the formation of renal cysts

Renal cyst is in the human kidney appears in some or large or small with the outside world can not be interlinked cystic mass of the unified call. Cause renal cysts factors can be summarized as the following: from childhood when the phenomenon of dysplasia. For cystic kidneys, it will lead to medullary sponge kidney, dysplastic polycystic kidney disease and other diseases, congenital development of abnormal genes is usually not a different phenomenon, therefore, its genetic or genetic mutation There is a difference.

Non-hereditary gene mutation, in terms of renal cysts, most of them are due to father and mother's genes for genetic. Can be divided into autosomal dominant inheritance and autosomal recessive genetic two. However, some special renal cysts are also some of the polycystic is not caused by the parents of the genetic, nor is the patient congenital formation, but in the process of embryonic formation of genes has changed. During embryonic formation, renal cysts are caused by sudden changes in genes due to various causes. However, the above situation is very rare.

Toxins also have a certain effect on the formation of renal cysts. When toxins affect the human body, it will make every kind of cell tissues and organs are damaged, it will produce disease, serious may be life-threatening. Not only that, toxins are also caused by gene mutation, congenital development is not normal and other key factors. Life in the more common toxins are: pesticides, certain chemicals, radiation, pollution and so on. It is important to note that some drugs are also with renal toxicity, if the method is not appropriate, then easy to cause damage to the kidney. These drugs include: kanamycin, gentamicin, sulfonamides, rifampicin, indomethacin, and other Western medicine.Eating irregular, uneven is one of the reasons for the formation of renal cysts. Which is prone to overeating, hunger will be roughly malnourished; over full will be on the spleen and stomach digestive function, absorption function have an impact. The food is not clean. 

Symptoms of light can cause some of the diseases on the stomach, if the situation is more serious, then there will be poisoning. Used to eat cold food. It is more likely to hurt the spleen and stomach. But more, spicy lit food should not eat, over time will hurt our internal organs. Several of the above eating habits will affect the development of renal cysts. So we have to pay special attention to eat less spicy food to stimulate the diet as light as possible. Eat less pickled foods. In addition, also control animal high protein, high fat and greasy food.Did not follow the principle of combining work and rest. Long work or strenuous exercise is easy because of long-term fatigue to form a disease. Excessive mental consumption, stress too, psychological stress. Sexual intercourse between men and women is too frequent, will have an impact on our health. Naturally affect the changes in renal cyst disease. However, too comfortable, less exercise and easy to make the body of blood is not smooth and cause other diseases. Bad mood will endocrine disorders, poor mood can make kidney cysts deepened, so to learn to control their emotions, adjust their feelings.

There are many types of kidney disease,  

Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,          IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,          Kidney Cyst,     Kidney Failure,   

Glomerulonephritis,              Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

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