
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

What is the cause of nephritis?

1, congenital factors

Some patients in the body after the birth of the extreme lack of nutrition leading to malnutrition in the state, so long-term is likely to lead to abnormal function of the body, while the kidneys will also be implicated, leading to the incidence of nephritis. For such people, we must pay attention to the daily nutrition supplement, timely and effective treatment.

2, eating unreasonable

The incidence of nephritis is also a reason is the diet is unreasonable, including picky eaters, overeating and so on. If the daily lack of nutrition will lead to the body's normal metabolic supply is not on the long-term lead to the body in a state of weak fatigue, and ultimately lead to nephritis.

3, infection

If the patient has a variety of infections, but also induced nephritis. Whether it is respiratory infections or gastrointestinal infections, will give the body a different degree of damage, and ultimately increase the burden on the kidneys, causing the incidence of nephritis.

Understanding Kidney Disease Diet

4, gene changes

If the patient's gene changes (here mainly refers to the genetic mutation), may also cause the incidence of nephritis. Under normal circumstances, gene mutation will occur in the embryonic period, because of various factors, will make the patient's genes produce changes, leading to kidney disease, causing nephritis.

5, fatigue

Many patients with nephritis before the onset of long-term in a state of fatigue, so that the various organs of the body can not get enough rest, so go will gradually increase the burden of detoxification of the kidneys, the formation of a vicious cycle, the final will cause kidney lesions, causing nephritis


