
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Nephritis in patients with dietary considerations

1, nephritis patients should not eat eggs.
Due to the onset of renal function and metabolic effects were significantly decreased, reduced urine output, the body of some toxins can not be all excreted. At this point if you eat eggs, will inevitably increase the egg metabolites - urea, so there will be more accumulation of urea in the body, so that exacerbations.
2, nephritis patients do not eat bananas.
Banana containing sodium, chronic nephritis patients with edema, hypertension must limit the intake of sodium. Often eat bananas, it is equivalent to intake of a large number of sodium salt, so that increased burden on the kidney, swelling, high blood pressure and other symptoms also increased, indigestion and diarrhea patients will make the disease worse after eating.
3, kidney disease avoid eating pineapple eggs.
Songhua eggs to eat though the taste is not salty, but its sodium content is not low, occasionally eat a little trouble. Prolonged consumption will increase the body's sodium content, is not conducive to physical rehabilitation. Chronic nephritis patients are not suitable for eating pineapple eggs.
4, nephritis fasting high salt content of food.
Such as soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, tomato sauce, sand tea sauce, vinegar, miso and so on.
Nephritis can not eat what food nephritis diet should pay attention to what nephritis to taboo what food
5, nephritis fasting preserved food.
Such as all kinds of pickles. At the same time, try to eat less MSG.
6, kidney inflammation can not stimulate food.
Irritating ingredients of food and a variety of spicy spices, all kinds of spices and volatile oil and more vegetables in the body metabolism process, spicy ingredients to excrete through the kidneys, these spicy ingredients on the renal parenchymal cells to varying degrees of stimulation, Affect kidney function. Such as onions, garlic, ginger, chili, fennel, pepper and other food.
7, nephritis eat too cold food.
Because the cold food will damage the spleen and stomach yang and kidney yang, leading to cold from the endogenous, aggravated Yang sick condition; overheated food can lead to stomach fire Kang Sheng, or damage Yin Ye, increase the condition of Yin.

Understanding Kidney Disease Diet

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