
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Renal insufficiency how to treat more effective

Hypertensive patients are only satisfied with blood pressure control to the normal range. That as long as the normal control of blood pressure to achieve the purpose, in fact, this is not correct. For patients with chronic renal insufficiency, antihypertensive treatment of hypertension is necessary to control the system of blood pressure, but also reduce the glomerular high pressure, which play a role in protecting renal function.

Blood pressure control can stop taking antihypertensive drugs. Chronic renal insufficiency with renal hypertension, hypertension, in turn, to accelerate the progressive progress of renal function. Control blood pressure can delay its progress, and antihypertensive therapy should in principle long-term use, blood pressure should still adhere to the normal medication. But some patients believe that blood pressure has been no longer necessary to take medicine, or for economic reasons to consider and no further medication, which can lead to the gradual increase in the disease, or even more serious

Renal insufficiency of a patient's diet control the more stringent the better. Chronic renal insufficiency need to be given control diet to meet the drug treatment. Diet control with low salt and limit the intake of protein the most important, such as the merger of hypertension or edema may be appropriate to reduce salt intake, limiting the amount of protein into the daily weight of 0.5-0.8 grams per kilogram is appropriate, should be given high-quality protein such as Lean meat, egg white and fresh milk.

Chinese medicine treatment of renal insufficiency has a thorough effect of treatment, get a lot of patients of all ages. Kidney disease hospital nephropathy experts to "kidney special practitioners six-step kidney" method, cure and repair the process of renal effect will be better, the current success of patients with more than cure, and no recurrence cases. "Shentang traditional Chinese medicine six step kidney" method, ultra-light penetration technology directly to the drug penetration into the blood, kidney, quickly to resolve the blood toxins (equivalent to Western hemodialysis), and through sweat, urine toxins from the body, Fundamentally reverse renal fibrosis. This is not only the gospel of patients with kidney disease, but also a major breakthrough in the history of kidney disease treatment.

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