
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Early signs of diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy refers to chronic hyperglycemia caused by kidney damage, lesions can be involved in the whole kidney, including: glomerular, renal tubular renal interstitial, renal blood vessels. Can cause abnormal urinary protein excretion, abnormal renal function, leading to renal failure. According to the survey, China's type 2 diabetes patients with chronic kidney disease ratio can be as high as 64%. Diabetic nephropathy is a common cause of renal failure, if early can be found in time, positive intervention can delay, or even reverse its course of progress. Here we look at the early symptoms of diabetic nephropathy 4 signs.

Understanding Kidney Disease

Symptoms 1: Microalbuminuria is a sign of early kidney damage

Urinary albumin / creatinine ratio (UACR): greater than 30mg / g, urinary microalbumin (UMA): greater than 20mg / L, urinary albumin excretion rate (AER) ): More than 30mg / d. Among them, urinary routine cheap, but less sensitive to urinary protein, can only be found in a large number of urine protein. For early diabetic nephropathy, it is recommended to detect urinary albumin / creatinine ratio, which is currently recognized as the most effective screening method for urinary albumin. Urinary albumin / creatinine ratio ACR collection method: fasting the first morning urine samples collected. If you do not have the conditions for the collection of morning urine, random urine samples can be collected at the same time, and within 2 hours before the collection of specimens to avoid eating. In addition, severe exercise, infection, fever, pregnancy, heart failure, hyperglycemia, high blood pressure, urinary tract infection and so may have an impact on the results should avoid the above conditions under the urine protein test. With the increase in the amount of urine protein, serum albumin decreased, the patient may appear increased urine foam, eyelid and lower extremity edema and other symptoms, this time should go to the hospital in time to test the urine. In addition, for asymptomatic diabetic patients, should also be a year of urine protein screening test, in order to achieve early detection, early treatment purposes.

Symptoms 2: blurred vision - diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy are diabetic minor vascular complications, both have a strong correlation, most patients with diabetic nephropathy with diabetic retinopathy, so if you find diabetic retinopathy, need to be alert to the possibility of diabetic nephropathy. If there are symptoms of blurred vision, should be early treatment of ophthalmology, line ophthalmoscopy.

Symptoms 3: renal dysfunction, serum creatinine increased

Some patients with diabetic nephropathy abnormal albuminemia, diabetes, renal damage to the performance of renal dysfunction. Creatinine, urea nitrogen and other indicators can reflect the renal function, but the affected factors are more, such as strenuous exercise, diet, muscle volume and so on. The use of serum creatinine estimated glomerular filtration rate e-GFR is the best way to assess renal function.

Signs 4: impaired renal tubular function

In recent years, the study found that renal tubular injury in the early diabetic nephropathy can occur, can be expressed as nocturia increased, the proportion of urine decreased. By examining renal tubular function, early detection of diabetic nephropathy.

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Understanding Kidney Disease

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