
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Why is nephrotic syndrome in patients with edema?

The so-called nephrotic syndrome, is a large number of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, (height) edema and hyperlipidemia, the so-called "three high one low", and other metabolic disorders characterized by a group of clinical nephrotic syndrome. Especially 24 hours urine protein can be more than 3.5g per day, when a large number of urinary protein not only caused damage to the kidneys, but also caused the plasma colloid osmotic pressure decreased, resulting in intravascular water penetration into the tissue gap edema. And this edema than the general nephropathy edema to be relatively serious. This is why nephrotic syndrome patients will appear edema phenomenon.

Edema performance:Weight gain, lower extremity thicker, severe cases can appear pleural effusion, ascites, scrotal effusion, and even more likely to appear heart failure and other more serious performance. When the edema subsided after the original skin retraction will be formed similar to the traces of stretch marks.

Nephrotic Syndrome with Proteinuria and Swelling:Ideas on What I Can Do


There are many reasons for the cause of nephrotic syndrome:In addition to primary nephrotic syndrome outside the diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, hepatitis B, multiple myeloma and so can cause secondary nephrotic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome must be effective treatment this morning. If the treatment of reasonable edema can subside.

Natural Treatments for Nephrotic Syndrome


Edema is also a warning, is a bad thing is also a good thing. Because there is no obvious manifestation of early kidney disease, so many people even get kidney disease is not easy to find. It is because of edema that makes a lot of people in the early stages of kidney disease found their own disease, but also for our treatment to win the initiative.

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