
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

How to control proteinuria in patients with IgA nephropathy

Proteinuria is a common symptom of IgA nephropathy. Although proteinuria does not have any pain in the patient, it indicates that there is a serious problem with your renal function. Accordingly, the patient wondered how to control proteinuria caused by IgA nephropathy.

First of all, you need to be clear why IgA nephropathy suffers from proteinuria.

IgA Nephropathy: How to Reduce Protein in Urine

IgA nephropathy is an immune disease in which IgA protein accumulates in your bloodstream, resulting in damage to kidney function by IgA protein deposition. When the filter barrier and electrolyte barrier problems, the kidneys can completely eliminate all kinds of toxins, which will be excluded from the product waste.How to control proteinuria in IgA nephropathy?At present, hormone therapy is commonly used to reduce the protein in the urine. However, it often causes the patient to experience many adverse reactions, including increased weight gain, full moon face, and decreased immunity.

How to Reduce Proteinuria in IgA Nephropathy with Immunotherapy

After years of medical development, we have brought the prospective benefits to our patients. These treatments can achieve significant results in repairing kidney and improving renal function.

Immunotherapy is a specialized treatment for immune-related diseases. Immunotherapy includes accurate diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blockage, immune tolerance, immunomodulation and immunoprotection. Through this treatment, can improve immunity, and can immediately adjust the immune barrier.

How to Treat Hematuria in IgA Nephropathy with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-infiltration of traditional Chinese medicine is a repair of the patient's kidney and restore renal function therapy. In this therapy contains a large number of herbs, in addition to through the infiltration machine and two kinds of medicine bags will be refined into powder powder to improve its effectiveness, Chinese herbal medicine active substances will penetrate directly into the kidney lesions. At the same time, you can also directly in the kidney to send enough blood, oxygen and nutrition.

This treatment has a significant function in helping patients to repair diseased kidneys and restore renal function, and as time goes on, proteinuria can naturally diminish spontaneously.

If you want to get some treatment suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.