
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Nephrotic syndrome diet

Nephrotic syndrome diet is a way to treat nephrotic syndrome, but the effect is no drug treatment of nephrotic syndrome effect is obvious. However, the treatment of nephrotic syndrome can not lack the nephrotic syndrome diet adjuvant therapy. General kidney disease syndrome diet should be adjusted according to the following characteristics.

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For edible people, suitable for eating with spleen and water, Qi swelling of the items; malnutrition edema, or plasma protein (albumin) caused by low edema, should eat high protein nutrition diet; edema of the people and There are cold cold cold, should eat warm warm food. Edema patients avoid eating salt or salty food, avoid eating cold greasy, sea haun hair and Xin spicy food.Kidney disease edema patients appetizing items: edible patients appetizer the following items: melon, gourd, red beans, black beans, green beans, watermelon rind, beans, cucumber, carrot, white Poria, loach, carp, carp, snake fish, Snail, catfish, grapes, corn, white duck, frog meat, badger meat, snail, mud carp, peaches, celery;
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Nephrotic syndrome patients also should eat silver carp, shepherd's purse, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, Jerusalem artichoke, hops, yam, watermelon, white beans, Rhizoma Imperatae and so on. Eating items: Edible people should avoid eating the following foods: salt, edible people should avoid eating salt salted salted food, such as bacon, salted duck, salted fish, pickles, salted duck eggs, preserved eggs and sea fish such as salty fish , Yellow croaker, etc., also avoid eating shrimp, crab, Brassica juncea, pig meat, goose and other hair food.

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At the same time, in daily life, patients with kidney disease also need to pay attention to the following points

1, the diet to eat some light, avoid eating wine and spicy food, Eat greasy and animal protein containing more than the Hunxing food (such as fat, shrimp, crab, etc.)

2, boiled beans and their products (such as tofu, bean sprouts, soy flour, etc.)

3, edema, high blood pressure, heart failure, should eat less salt or salt-free diet.

4, renal insufficiency, uremic patients to note more special meaning:

① fasting beans and their products, Eat nuts (such as: walnuts, chestnuts, almonds, etc.) and pickled foods (such as pickles, pickles, etc.).② daily intake of high protein (such as lean meat, milk, eggs, etc.) should be controlled. According to the patient's condition, the average adult 2-3 per day or so, and 3-5 times consumption.③ renal failure in the kidney drainage capacity is limited, need to control the intake of water, the proposed formula: water = the day before the total urine output +500-800 ml.④ In order to make creatinine, urea nitrogen can increase the discharge, it is necessary to make the toilet smooth, stool would rather two or three times a day and not two or three days. Melon, watermelon, gourd can diuretic, red bean soup, black bean soup, mung bean soup, put sugar to drink, heat diuretic. Honey, banana, raw pear, radish, walnut meat, black sesame seeds, can laxative, these foods can be used with drugs, often used.

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These dietary principles, not only beneficial nephrotic syndrome control, but also conducive to the treatment of nephrotic syndrome. So the diet is not a drug, will not see a very obvious treatment effect, but it can cause the disease to reduce the disease no recurrence, get better treatment and faster to see the effect. So the daily diet of kidney disease need long-term adherence.

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you. If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

