
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Prevention and treatment of polycystic kidney failure

Polycystic kidney disease is a congenital hereditary disease, mainly for the occurrence of multiple or numerous renal kidneys ranging from the size of the liquid cysts, leaving the kidney significantly increased, morphological disorders. With the development of the disease, cysts can continue to increase, and ultimately due to severe damage to renal tissue caused by renal failure.

Chinese Herbal Medicines for Back Pain in PKD

Polycystic kidney disease is more complex clinical symptoms, in addition to low back pain, abdominal mass (increased kidney), hematuria and other polycystic kidney characteristics of the changes, but also many complications, common with high blood pressure, cyst Infection, cyst rupture, etc., late abdominal swelling may occur, waist pain, difficulty breathing, urinary infection, nausea and vomiting, the patient is very painful.

Polycystic Kidney Disease with Creatinine 663: What Should Be the Treatment

Polycystic kidney disease patients to actively treat and early prevention of polycystic kidney disease occurrence and development, in order to protect the residual renal function, to avoid further damage to renal function. As long as the correct and reasonable treatment, most of the clinical symptoms and renal function can be controlled or improved, so that the disease is relatively stable, improve the quality of life, longevity.
How Could I Receive Herbal Treatment for PKD

(1) early detection of the disease: According to statistics, polycystic kidney disease has 60% -70% of the genetic predisposition, and men and women are roughly equal opportunities. Therefore, in a family history of polycystic kidney family can be more people at the same time sick. As the incidence of polycystic kidney disease generally in the 25-35 years old began to appear symptoms, and some patients even after the symptoms of renal failure was found. Therefore, the family history of polycystic kidney disease, should do a census and regular follow-up, so that early detection and timely treatment. Currently used B ultrasound, CT, MRI (nuclear magnetic resonance) and other means of inspection, can make the diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease. Serum creatinine, urea nitrogen can reflect the degree of renal damage and the progression of the disease stage, it should be for regular inspection. Gene diagnosis methods, can understand the early pregnancy of the fetus genetic situation, to improve the survival rate have some help.
Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)

(2) early prevention and treatment of complications: hypertension, urinary tract infection, cyst rupture is a common complication of polycystic kidney disease, but also induced and aggravated an important factor in renal dysfunction, must be timely treatment and control. But in the course of medication, should pay attention to avoid the renal toxicity of drugs. Such as hematuria, or severe low back pain, abdominal pain, etc., is likely to be associated with cysts caused by bleeding or cyst rupture, should be timely to the hospital for treatment, so as not to delay the disease, increased renal failure.
(3) renal cyst puncture fluid treatment: renal cyst puncture fluid treatment in recent years, Western medicine generally carried out a treatment, applicable to all types of renal cysts morbidity. Its main purpose is through the cyst puncture fluid to eliminate or reduce the oppression of the surrounding renal tissue around the cyst, restore renal blood flow, protect and improve renal function. At the same time on the cyst infection, bleeding, empyema also have a good effect. The advantages of renal cyst puncture fluid treatment is mainly simple operation, tissue damage is small, the patient less pain, and can be repeated many times, the defect is unable to effectively treat its cysts.

PKD Treatment: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

(4) Chinese medicine treatment: traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of chronic renal failure, with considerable effect, especially for early and middle patients, can significantly improve clinical symptoms, control the development of the disease, lower serum creatinine, urea nitrogen. For the polycystic kidney caused by renal failure, can be based on dialectical treatment, the choice of Codonopsis, Astragalus, angelica, rhubarb, Salvia, triangular, Curcuma, Achyranthes bidentata, Xianling spleen, And other drugs to Fuzheng to evil, blood circulation, detoxification, can play a good therapeutic effect. But the effect is slower, the treatment period is longer.
(5) Integrative Medicine: clinical, especially with the effect of traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy for polycystic kidney disease, is the best results, one of the better prognosis. Through the blood circulation, Tongluo its cysts to shrink or disappear. Repair their own renal function to achieve the fundamental purpose of treatment of renal cystic disease.

Diet to Follow for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

(6) home care and nursed back to health: polycystic kidney disease is a chronic development of the disease, often due to mood swings, fatigue or eating disorders, falls and other injuries caused by exacerbations. Therefore, patients with polycystic kidney failure should maintain a comfortable mood, work and rest, establish the confidence to overcome the disease, with the treatment. In the diet should be fresh and light, and rich in nutrition, eat more fruit, appropriate control of protein intake, eat cold cold or spicy stimulation of the product, quit smoking and drinking, to maintain smooth stool. Hypertensive swelling is obvious, it is appropriate to limit the intake of sodium. May be appropriate to participate in some recreational activities, but should prevent the waist and abdomen squeeze the collision, so as to prevent cyst rupture. Severe illness need to stay in bed.

Can Coriander Leaves Help Polycystic Kidney Disease

(7) renal replacement therapy: polycystic kidney disease in patients with advanced renal failure, often due to most of the loss of renal function or complete loss of poor response to drugs, and the increasing clinical symptoms, critical condition, which should be considered for renal replacement therapy , That is, hemodialysis, with traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy. On the one hand to replace the kidney detoxification, on the other hand to save the final renal function, to reduce the number of dialysis or ultimately can be completely exempt from dialysis, ease the disease. Due to kidney cysts significantly increased kidney and abdominal capacity decreased, abdominal infusion effect is poor, it is generally used hemodialysis treatment. More than bleeding, or blood pressure is difficult to control, if necessary, consider surgical removal of the kidneys. Conditional renal transplant surgery can also be carried out.

Can Flax Seeds Increase High Creatinine Level for PKD Patients

Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

