
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Treatment of nephritis patients

Nephritis patients diet method, a lot of acute and chronic nephritis patients are difficult to explain when their illness is from when the beginning, most people say that recently has been very tired for some time Therefore, for the work of tension, prone to fatigue, irregular diet of the staff, pay attention to acute and chronic nephritis diet is very necessary, the following is the treatment of nephritis patients:
Nephritis patients diet - glomerulonephritis type, clinical manifestations of complex, the principle of diet should be based on the patient's renal function and the degree of proteinuria to determine, should also pay attention to the patient's edema and blood pressure. After a comprehensive analysis And then how to diet treatment.

Suggestions for Kidney Failure to Get Better Prognosis

 Nephritis patients diet method - limiting the incidence of protein acute glomerulonephritis 3 to 6 days. Glomerular filtration rate decreased, will produce a transient azotemia. Therefore, should limit the protein diet. In the restricted range should be selected high-quality protein food, such as milk, eggs, lean meat, fish and so on. When the condition improved, increased urine output, daily urine output> 1000 ml, you can begin to gradually increase the protein intake. But each should not exceed 0.8 g / kg body weight.
Nephritis patients diet method - low salt and low sodium diet edema and hypertension should be used in patients with low salt, no salt diet. Low salt diet generally daily use of less than 3 grams of salt or soy sauce 10-15 ml. Where the salt and more food should avoid eating, such as pickles, pickles, eggs, eggs, bacon, marinade, noodles and so on. Salt-free diet is cooking without salt or soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, sesame sauce, tomato sauce to season.

3 Foods That Chronic Nephritis Patients Should Avoid

Nourishing patients diet method - limit the high potassium foods when oliguria, anuria or elevated serum potassium should be limited to potassium-rich vegetables and fruits such as bean sprouts, leeks, garlic, celery, cauliflower, toon, spinach, Bamboo shoots, lilies, dried red dates, fresh mushrooms, seaweed, mustard, Sichuan winter vegetables, mushrooms, apricot, lotus root, sorghum, corn, lentils, tomatoes, loofah, bitter gourd and so on. Limit the amount of fluid should be based on the number of urine per day to control the amount of fluid into the general supplement method is to add the same day with the same amount of urine before discharge, the intake of liquid 500 ~ 1000 ml. If less urine or accompanied by edema, the daily intake of liquid should not exceed 1000 ml.
Nephritis patients diet method - the amount of heat and fat to provide acute glomerulonephritis patients should be bed rest. Heat should not be too high, the amount of fat in the diet should not be more, and should be rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids rich in fat Mainly to vegetable oil.
Nephritis patients diet method - the supply of adequate vitamins due to restrictions on potassium more food, intake of vegetables and fruits will be reduced, the intake of vitamins will be significantly reduced, likely to cause vitamin deficiency. Should add a variety of vitamin preparations, especially vitamin c, daily should not be less than 300 mg.

Diet Cares for Chronic Nephritis Patients

Nephritis patients diet method - the food has three major nutrients, namely, protein, fat and carbohydrates. Those who are affected by kidney disease are mainly proteins. But the protein is the body's essential nutrients, if the lack of malnutrition and the body will cause low immunity, adverse health. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the dietary protein intake for the different circumstances of the patient. Generally believed that normal renal function in patients with chronic nephritis should intake of normal protein, that is, 1 gram per kilogram of body weight per day. When the renal insufficiency occurs, only limit the amount of protein, generally limited to about 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. Can not be excessive restrictions on diet protein, in order to prevent malnutrition, but also in the limits of the amount of protein into the range, to give priority to the selection of high-quality protein to eat, such as milk, eggs, fresh lean meat and fish. Non-high quality protein such as tofu, beans and other plant protein is not edible, but the proportion should not exceed one-third of the total amount of protein in kilograms.
Nephritis patients diet method - the so-called high-quality protein is essential amino acids and more protein. Essential nitric acid in the renal insufficiency is often a serious lack of and must be added. However, only food supplement, even if it is necessary to contain the most nitrogenous foods such as eggs containing 46.2%, 44.8% of milk supplement, it is difficult to meet the needs. Therefore, in limiting the amount of protein, it should be noted that the addition of pharmaceutically essential nitric acid or its derivatives. Nephritis, also known as the same or compound α-keto acid, is currently ideal for patients with renal insufficiency taking drugs, the drug in addition to the necessary essential amino acid for nutritional treatment, with low protein diet and delay renal function damage The role of progress.

Healthy Diet Management for Chronic Nephritis in Children

Finally, in the low-protein diet plus the need for nitrogen acid treatment at the same time, in the low-protein diet plus the need for treatment of nitrogen acid, but also must ensure that the daily food to eat enough heat. This can be done by appropriately increasing the diet of carbohydrates such as wheat starch, lotus root starch and sugar, and vegetable oil. The best heat can reach 46.5 kJ per kilogram of body weight per kilogram of carbohydrates and protein can produce heat 16.74 kJ, fat can produce 37.7 kJ per gram of fat), to ensure that the intake of protein can be fully utilized by the body Synthesis of their own protein (heat is insufficient, the protein will be the same as carbohydrates and fats, as fuel oxidation heat, and can not be decomposed into nitric acid, re-synthesis of their own protein), correct the body negative nitrogen balance.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
 or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

