
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

kidney failure should pay attention to their skin

Good skin care for patients with chronic renal failure is an important task in preventing skin infections, bedsore and related complications.

As the kidney of patients with  renal failure can not be the body of toxic substances excreted, easily lead to skin itching, and even itching unbearable, often so that patients with insomnia. At this point should avoid scratching, to prevent skin damage bacterial infection and aggravate the condition. Skin itching, can be topical phenol-containing calamine lotion antipruritic, but also optional leaves, Sophora, Xanthium, wind 4 herbs in any one or two (30 grams each), Jue Tang wash; or With wind, leaves the 30 grams each, pepper, realgar 60 grams, Jiantang outside wash. Acupuncture treatment can also achieve the purpose of itching, can be used Qu pool, Hegu, blood sea, Zusanli and other points.

Renal failure in patients with advanced, due to long-term bed pressure, causing neurological disorders and blood circulation disorders, local soft tissue continued ischemia, malnutrition, prone to bed sores. Do skin care, is the key to the prevention of pressure sores. Therefore, care should always change the patient's position, usually every 2 to 3 hours turn over 1. Turn over should avoid dragging, pulling, pushing and other actions to prevent scratching the skin. The patient's bed should be kept flat without wrinkles, clean and dry without debris. Especially to keep the skin clean and dry.

In addition, patients with chronic renal failure should always use hot water to take a bath, rub back and local massage to promote local blood circulation, prevention of bed sores. If renal failure patients have appeared bed sores, skin infection prevention and control work is particularly important. Part can be supplemented by infrared or standing light irradiation, so that the wound dry, promote blood circulation, keep the wound granulation tissue healthy growth. Irradiation, at any time to observe the local situation, to prevent burns.

You can also learn more about 

 Renal failure symptoms

 Renal failure treatments 

 Renal failure eating habits

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