
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

How to reduce creatinine in life

How to reduce creatinine in life is an important indicator of kidney examination, if the urine creatinine or serum creatinine some changes, then we need to pay more attention, because it is caused by some of the disease in the kidney, we have to early detection Timely to the diagnosis and treatment, so as to make the disease away from us. So when the creatinine is higher than normal, the patient friends in life should be how to do?

Can You Suggest Any Mediation If the Creatinine Level Is 10.5Can You Suggest Any Medication If the Cr

1. More exercise, must not do the intense exercise, you can choose swimming, tai chi like aerobic exercise. Drink plenty of water, drink soda water, alkaline water, at least boiled water, the amount of urine every day to control 2000ml before and after is good. Not easy tea, coffee.
What Herbal Medicine to Take in to Lower Creatinine Level

2, more vegetarian, but not all vegetarian food should eat, eat more purple eggplant, green, lettuce. Green vegetables bogey spinach, and then all the beans should eat or eat. Eat less meat, why do not I Meat, of course, is to eat a little, animal fat and animal protein with other food is irreplaceable, but also the human body necessary, but must control the amount of seafood and animal offal and hot pot Is to be strictly taboo.Otherwise, no diet meat, you will come to naught.

What Is the Best Thing to Do If A Person Is in High Creatinine Level

Experts advise: patients should find the disease in a timely manner to the hospital for treatment, so as to better treatment of the disease, the patient should actively cooperate with the expert's treatment, so that their better to restore health.

If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

