
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

What is the severity of renal insufficiency?

First, renal insufficiency Cardiovascular system symptoms: often high blood pressure, myocardial damage, heart failure, arrhythmia, and may have small arteries, retinal arteriosclerosis can affect vision and retinal hemorrhage. Severe cases may occur pericardial friction sound (cellulosic pericarditis), a few may have pericardial effusion, or even pericardial tamponade.

Early Symptoms of Kidney Failure: You Must Know

 Second, skin symptoms: dry, scaling, dull. Some patients with darker skin, caused by slow melanin calm. Uremic excreted from the sweat glands, will be condensed into white crystal called "urea cream" to stimulate the skin and cause uremic dermatitis and skin itching (skin itching and secondary parathyroid hormone is also related).

Third, gastrointestinal symptoms: What is the severity of renal insufficiency? Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, mouth with urine odor, oral erosion, gastrointestinal bleeding and so on.

How Can Kidney Failure Patients Control Their Diet

 Fourth, renal insufficiency Hematopoietic system kidney symptoms: severe anemia as the main symptoms, advanced patients with bleeding tendency, often accompanied by subcutaneous ecchymosis, epistaxis, bleeding gums, or even hematemesis, blood in the stool, hematuria, intracranial hemorrhage, menorrhagia Disease, a few may have pericardial bleeding. {Clinical manifestations of chronic renal insufficiency}

5, the respiratory system performance: exhaled gas with urine, susceptible to bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. Severe metabolic acidosis, there may be Kusima great breathing.

Chinese Medicine to Raise GFR of Kidneys for Renal Failure

 6, mental and nervous system symptoms: mental wilt, fatigue, dizziness, headache, memory loss, insomnia, limb numbness, hand, foot burning, sometimes lower limb itching or "restless legs" syndrome (lower limbs have ants climb, itchy Feeling, need to move the legs or walking after the comfortable), may have abnormal smell of smell, neurological deafness, pharynx and tongue muscle weakness, difficulty urinating, urinary retention and so on.

 I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
or WhatsApp +8613633219293.Hope that the patients will be helpful!

