
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Stress meetings cause kidney disease in children

Now with the academic pressure increases, young people face more and more heavy study, the pressure of college entrance examination in order to cultivate the children or families, for a variety of training, specialty classes, the law of life is not the normal adolescent, very good. Some teenagers are more addicted to online games and other unusual life, making the child's endocrine system disorder.

The symptoms of kidney disease are occult, and it is difficult for parents to pay attention to their symptoms. Once symptoms are present, the kidneys have been severely damaged. Often see such a situation: clinical child systemic edema, parents realized that the child got kidney disease, and then has missed the golden period of treatment, resulting in disease protraction. There are parents who have failed to choose the normal hospital and treatment methods, resulting in irreversible damage to the kidneys of children, this is the wrong choice, and finally even lead to children suffering from uremia.

Experts said: at present our country more than 300 million from 2 to 14 year old children, about 2000000 children with renal disease. If the sick child is not treated promptly and effectively, he or she will develop uremia in adolescence or adulthood, requiring dialysis and transplantation. Experts said the majority of kidney disease in young people can be cured, and the early damage signals of the kidneys must be taken seriously. Urine screening is the easiest way to detect the early "damage signals". Because there is no special clinical signs of kidney disease, so the prevention of kidney disease should do the following:

First, to the regular physical examination, especially at the beginning of the students and the college entrance examination test, before and after the initial examination and college entrance examination must do a urine test.

Second, to master the basic knowledge such as the emergence of nephropathy, Yaoxisuanruan, anemia, edema, hematuria, nausea and vomiting and other symptoms must do a urine test.

Third, should often carefully observe and ask the child, once found the above symptoms, timely treatment.

Fourth, in the diagnosis of children after kidney disease, must go to a large kidney specialist hospital. Because kidney disease is not a high risk and common disease, the doctor's clinical experience is decisive for treatment. There are many patients in large nephrotic hospital, and doctors have rich clinical experience and good treatment effect.

In addition, if it can carry out routine urine, we can detect some of the children who have proteinuria, hematuria and other common symptoms of kidney disease, and follow-up, early treatment and early intervention, protect the kidney long-term for these children, can reduce the occurrence of chronic renal failure.

But please note that when your child is cold, fever, and eyelids, facial swelling; abnormal color of urine, abnormal urine; child body rash, purpura or pustular sore and swollen eyelids, and abnormal urine, should try to bring the child to the hospital. With high-risk groups must regularly test, especially had scarlet fever, tonsillitis, syndrome of Streptococcus infection and other diseases of children, in two weeks to do a urine test. Allergic purpura within 3 months of repeated urine, then also with long-term follow-up.

Stress meetings cause kidney disease in children

