
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

What is the Life Expectancy of PKD with Creatinine 480

Most of patients may think that their life would be shorter and shorter as they are diagnosed with PKD. Is there any effective treatment for PKD with Creatinine 480? What is the life expectancy of PKD with creatinine 480? Now, this article will explain it in details.

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Is there any effective treatment for PKD patients with creatinine 480?

Polycystic kidney disease is a kind of genetic kidney disorder in which lots of cysts filled with fluid on the kidney. As times goes by, the size and number of cysts would get enlarged and then, the enlarged cysts will oppress cells and tissues on kidney, affecting their kidney function. Surgery is often used to remove the cysts out of body, surgery is used to eliminate big size of substances and cysts outside of kidney, but it can not remove small size of substances and cysts inside kidney. What is worse, patients often run high risks to suffer from various infections during the process of dialysis. In China, the renal experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease hospital highlight the importance of shrinking kidney cysts naturally and fundamentally. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can achieve the function of helping patients shrinking kidney cysts fundamentally.

What is the life expectancy of PKD with creatinine 480?

As a matter of fact, the life expectancy depends on several factors including patients’ age, current illness condition and illness history. Since patients’ illness condition is different from one to another, we can not tell you the answer exactly, but we will try our best to help you prolong the life expectancy as long as possible.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural treatment and there are a great number of herbs containing in this therapy, besides, the power refined from herbal medicines is collected into two medicated bags which are put on your low back area for about 40-50 minutes. Through a way of connecting osmotic machine and two medicated bags, active substances in herbal medicines will come out and penetrate inside kidney lesions directly, which helps deliver sufficient blood, oxygen and nutrition inside kidney. On one hand, it stops the growth of kidney cysts by preventing the active substances in epithelial cells from releasing, on the other hand, it promotes the blood circulation of the cysts wall so as to promote excretion of cysts fluid. With the shrinkage of kidney cysts, kidney function could be recovered and then their life expectancy could be prolonged as long as possible.