
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

How to help patients avoid dialysis

When your body has some symptoms, it will disturb your daily life and recommend patient dialysis to help patients live better. However, patients often occasionally suffer from their adverse reactions and these side effects make patients do not want to perform another dialysis. So patients want to know how to help patients avoid dialysis?

Can I Avoid Dialysis After Chinese Medicine Treatments


In general, it is recommended that patients dialysis is an emergency solution to the problem, at some point can save your life, so it is recommended that if you are suffering from life-threatening symptoms, please dialysis as soon as possible. However, dialysis is not a cure to help you fundamentally extend your life expectancy. As a result, more and more patients are eager to get rid of dialysis.

What to Expect to Happen If Kidney Failure Patients Stop Dialysis


If you want to avoid dialysis, the first thing to do is to improve renal function. As long as the improvement of renal function, dialysis can be gradually avoided. Fortunately, our natural treatment has proven to be effective in helping patients improve kidney function.In dialysis patients, this therapy contains a lot of toxins, in addition, the herbal medicine contained in the therapy not only on the kidney cells and tissue caused further damage, but also reduce the other treatment. Therefore, the removal of various toxins and waste products plays an important role in the repair of diseased kidneys. Detoxification therapy to help patients clean up the healthy internal environment.

How Can Make Kidney Function Better Rather Using Ketosteril

Micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy is a topical therapy, in this therapy contains a large number of herbs, in addition, herbs refined into powder to improve its efficiency. By connecting the osmotic machine and the two packs, the active substance in herbs will penetrate directly into the kidney. Through the expansion of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, anti-inflammatory anticoagulation, degradation of extracellular matrix.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.