
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Why do patients with kidney disease increase serum creatinine?

Creatinine is a kind of waste that is produced in the blood after digestion of meat and is one of the waste in human blood.

Why is serum creatinine in patients with kidney disease increased.

Creatinine only through the kidney excretion, if the blood creatinine content increased, it shows that our kidney has a problem. According to clinical data show that when the kidney damage 30%, serum creatinine will be significantly increased, the patient will be alert, but the kidneys have been damaged. Before the article we have talked about the problem of renal unit structure, here to do a basic review, with creatinine into the glomerular blood through the capillary wall into the renal tubules, and ultimately exclude the body, and into the renal tubular creatinine solution Of creatinine under normal circumstances is difficult to be absorbed by the capillaries. However, when the glomerular damage, creatinine can not be properly filtered, the blood creatinine content increased, the formation of high serum creatinine phenomenon, while high serum creatinine patients will appear nausea, vomiting, dizziness, surface symptoms The Here I would like to insert a sentence, serum creatinine content is usually considered an important indicator of patients with kidney disease, the reason is very simple, because it directly reflects the level of the ability to work, damaged area.

Serum creatinine after some of the symptoms.1, usually, high serum creatinine that the kidneys have been damaged, the body appears sodium metabolism disorders. We all know that the principle of sodium absorption is to eat more rows to eat less rows do not eat no row, kidney damage, renal tubular absorption capacity of sodium ions, we will urinate a large number of sodium ions, so that we suffer from low sodium Disease, there will be headaches, sleepy and even coma. This is a problem with renal tubules. So, why is the cause of hypernatremia? The reason is because the glomerular filtration of blood, sodium ions can not filter, if we taste heavier, very easily lead to sodium and water in the body hoarding, resulting in edema, resulting in Hypertension, induced heart failure. This is a glomerular problem.

2, the law of potassium metabolism is to eat more rows to eat less row do not eat also row, kidney damage, glomerular row of potassium capacity decreased, sodium ion accumulation in the blood, resulting in hyperkalemia, causing arrhythmia, Leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular insufficiency. There may be caused by muscle soreness, respiratory muscle contraction difficulties, affecting breathing, and even lead to suffocation. Central nervous causes irritability, confusion. Nephropathy caused by hypokalemia more complex causes, mainly glomerular renal tubular dysfunction, leading to renal tubular injury, neuromuscular aspects caused by fatigue, confusion, depression; heart caused by arrhythmia, serious lead to heart (Aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium abnormalities), such as severe calcium loss, resulting in systemic bone pain and skeletal malformations, short stature. Potassium deficiency can also slow down the bowel movements, resulting in loss of appetite, abdominal distension, nausea, constipation and so on.

3, water metabolism disorders: including polyuria, nocturia increased, thirsty, mucosal dry, fatigue, etc .; or systemic edema, blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure.

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