
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Renal cysts

Renal cyst is a common disease in human kidney disease, is one or both sides of the kidneys appear single or multiple number of sizes ranging from the outside of the cyst, cyst filled with cyst fluid. Common renal cysts are: simple renal cyst, renal pelvis cyst and polycystic kidney and so on.

What Are Symptoms of Kidney Cyst Infection

If not timely treatment, renal cysts can cause a lot of complications, there are serious harm, the following are several common renal cyst complications:
1. Urinary tract infectionThis is the most prone to complications in women with renal cysts, urine can not be properly discharged, or urine when there is pain, burning feeling. Often urinary tract infection is caused by cyst rupture, kidney stones.2. Kidney stones and renal calcificationSome patients do not pay much attention to their diet, resulting in the formation of water-insoluble substances in the body, due to kidney disease or injury, excretion function is not perfect, deposited in the body, it is easy to form kidney stones.

3. cyst cancerIf the patient's renal cyst is complex and does not receive timely treatment, as the condition continues to increase, the patient will face cancer invasion. When the patient weight loss, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or the emergence of red blood cellosis is, should be alert to the concurrent renal cell carcinoma.

4. hydronephrosisDue to renal insufficiency, urinary tract blockage, causing renal pelvis increased, and accompanied by renal tissue atrophy, after a period of time, due to urine row, and increased pressure, luminal expansion, renal thinning, renal function More diminished, easily deteriorated for uremia.

Will Kidney Cyst Cause Swelling

In addition, the harm of simple renal cysts is likely to develop into malignant cysts, polycystic kidney disease can lead to chronic renal failure.
So kidney disease can not be ignored this disease should be treated as soon as possible treatment.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

