
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Polycystic kidney disease and low immunity

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease. The researchers found that not every person with polycystic kidney disease will suffer from this disease, but almost all patients with polycystic kidney disease are suffering from low immunity.

Polycystic kidney disease caused by renal failure mainly by the expansion of the cyst caused by insufficient blood supply to the kidneys, functional cells with time weakening caused.

PKD Treatment: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy


The reduction in urine output is mainly due to the replacement of the original kidney function, so the blood into the kidney to reduce. If there are still some urine output, it is a good sign that the kidneys still have blood perfusion.

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease, according to clinical observation, not all cystic genes are suffering from kidney disease. But why suffer from this disease? The key is due to immunity is not strong, cystic endometrial cells through the abnormal immune network to be activated, showing continuous proliferation. At the same time, these endometrial cells can produce a lot of fluid, so the cyst will expand day by day. When there is external pressure, the expansion of the cyst will rupture, causing hematuria and diffuse peritonitis.

How to Shrink Cysts in PKD with Natural Remedies

How to naturally shrink the cyst?According to the latest study, polycystic kidney disease is an autoimmune disease. In other words, the cyst can cause a potential immune system disorder.Under normal circumstances, the immune system will monitor the production of renal tubular epithelial cells. However, for those with polycystic kidney genes, if the immune system is damaged, it will lose the control of the cells. These cells can release cysts that cause cyst enlargement. Therefore, to reduce the renal cyst, the key is to control the production of these cells.

Natural Alternative for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney cysts are associated with underlying immune disorders. As long as the immune system is reversed, it can monitor renal tubular epithelial cells. Then the number of these cells will be controlled, the cyst will gradually stop expanding.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
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