
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

How to control proteinuria in patients with IgA nephropathy

Proteinuria is a common symptom of IgA nephropathy. Although proteinuria does not have any pain in the patient, it indicates that there is a serious problem with your renal function. Accordingly, the patient wondered how to control proteinuria caused by IgA nephropathy.

First of all, you need to be clear why IgA nephropathy suffers from proteinuria.

IgA Nephropathy: How to Reduce Protein in Urine

IgA nephropathy is an immune disease in which IgA protein accumulates in your bloodstream, resulting in damage to kidney function by IgA protein deposition. When the filter barrier and electrolyte barrier problems, the kidneys can completely eliminate all kinds of toxins, which will be excluded from the product waste.How to control proteinuria in IgA nephropathy?At present, hormone therapy is commonly used to reduce the protein in the urine. However, it often causes the patient to experience many adverse reactions, including increased weight gain, full moon face, and decreased immunity.

How to Reduce Proteinuria in IgA Nephropathy with Immunotherapy

After years of medical development, we have brought the prospective benefits to our patients. These treatments can achieve significant results in repairing kidney and improving renal function.

Immunotherapy is a specialized treatment for immune-related diseases. Immunotherapy includes accurate diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blockage, immune tolerance, immunomodulation and immunoprotection. Through this treatment, can improve immunity, and can immediately adjust the immune barrier.

How to Treat Hematuria in IgA Nephropathy with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-infiltration of traditional Chinese medicine is a repair of the patient's kidney and restore renal function therapy. In this therapy contains a large number of herbs, in addition to through the infiltration machine and two kinds of medicine bags will be refined into powder powder to improve its effectiveness, Chinese herbal medicine active substances will penetrate directly into the kidney lesions. At the same time, you can also directly in the kidney to send enough blood, oxygen and nutrition.

This treatment has a significant function in helping patients to repair diseased kidneys and restore renal function, and as time goes on, proteinuria can naturally diminish spontaneously.

If you want to get some treatment suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

IgA nephropathy can avoid hormones

IgA nephropathy is an immune disease, so patients with IgA nephropathy usually use immune supplements or hormones. Although they can help patients relieve clinical symptoms have a faster effect, but often make patients experience many adverse reactions. Therefore, patients in particular want to know whether patients with IgA nephropathy 3 can avoid the use of hormone therapy.

In fact, IgA nephropathy in patients with moderate renal function was moderate decline. Therefore, patients should take measures as soon as possible to slow the progress of the disease and prevent further damage. If timely treatment, can reverse the disease, restore renal function, you can live a normal life.

How to Stop the Progress of IgA Nephropathy in the Early Stage

In order to normal life, improve renal function is a very necessary thing. In China, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for patients with a number of natural therapies to help patients improve renal function.

First, the detoxification therapy is used to remove various toxins and wastes from the body. Elimination of various toxins and wastes not only prevents further damage to kidney cells and tissues, but also reduces the efficiency of other treatments. Therefore, the removal of various toxins and wastes should be paid more attention. No waste and toxins are deposited in the blood, which helps the kidneys to diagnose the patient's condition accurately.

Can I Stop IgA Nephropathy by Diet Therapy


And then use immunotherapy, improve immunity, regulate immune function, immunotherapy including accurate diagnosis, immune clearance, immune block, immune tolerance, immune regulation and immune protection.

The third is the micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy used to repair the kidney and restore renal function. This treatment in a wide range of kidney disease treatment has been a great breakthrough, its function includes prolonged blood vessels, promote blood circulation, degradation of extracellular matrix, relieve blood and kidney tissue inflammation and blood coagulation.

With the implementation of these treatments, your overall disease condition can be significantly improved and then the hormone may also be far from your life.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

How to deal with stomach pain in patients with polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease can cause patients with many clinical symptoms, stomach pain is one of them. And patients with polycystic kidney disease should be how to deal with stomach pain. Now, this article will explain in detail
Chinese Herbal Medicines for Back Pain in PKD


Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, many of which are filled with fluid on the kidneys. Over time, the size and number of cysts will expand, so that renal function is affected by enlarged cysts. Even worse, there are many cysts inside the kidney. So the expansion of cysts also oppress other organs, affecting its renal function. As the growth of renal cysts, stomach function will be affected, so the stomach pain.
Most importantly, at this moment, patients need to pay more attention to fundamentally shrink the kidney cysts, not just focus on relieving stomach pain.
What Treatment Can You Take for Pain and Blood in Urine for PKD Patients


In the Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, natural therapy has been proven to help patients fundamentally shrink the kidney cysts. As long as the cyst can be fundamentally narrowed, renal function can be natural recovery, the function of other organs can also be restored.
Micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy is a topical therapy, the use of advanced equipment and Chinese herbal medicines. In this therapy contains huge herbs, in addition, herbs are refined into powder to improve its efficiency. The powder is then collected in two packs containing backpacking zones for about 40-50 minutes. By connecting two packs and penetrants, the active substance in herbs will penetrate directly into the kidney. With the help of this treatment, on the one hand can prevent renal cysts, because the active substances in herbs will prevent the release of active substances in epithelial cells. On the other hand, it can promote cystic fluid excretion by increasing the blood circulation of the cyst wall.

Kidney Pain in PKD: Causes and Treatment

More importantly, this treatment is not used alone, it is combined with other natural therapies, including detoxification therapy, medicated bath, foot bath, heat treatment, fumigation treatment, acupuncture treatment.
Use these treatments for about a month in which the cysts will shrink significantly and as a result, the symptoms of poisoning you suffer will be significantly restored.

If you want to get some treatment suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

Why polycystic kidney disease in patients with vomiting

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, easy to develop into renal failure. When renal failure occurs, the body has some symptoms, including vomiting, headache and loss of appetite. Therefore, the patient eager to know why polycystic kidney disease patients will have vomiting, whether there is any treatment to alleviate this symptom?

Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)


In patients with polycystic kidney disease, the kidneys are filled with numerous cysts, and as time passes, the number and size of cysts become larger and larger, thereby easily oppressing kidney cells and tissues. The reason for vomiting in patients with polycystic kidney disease is that the expansion of the cyst causes the patient to vomit. In addition, the expansion of the cyst will oppress the normal cells and tissues, affecting renal function, so the sick kidney can not be discharged from the body of waste and toxins, in which urea and excessive water will penetrate the gastrointestinal system, and then urea into the intestinal tract Decomposition into ammonia. Therefore, ammonia will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, so that patients suffering from nausea and vomiting.
Polycystic Kidney Disease Diet﹠Fitness


If you are suffering from vomiting, you need to receive treatment as soon as possible to prevent further damage, otherwise it will cause more and more damage to renal function.
We provide patients with a range of natural therapies for the treatment of kidney disease.
First, the use of detoxification therapy to remove all kinds of toxins and waste, not only can prevent further damage to renal function, but also reduce the other treatment.
Micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy is a topical therapy, in the strict process for patients to choose a large number of herbs. In addition, the refined powder from herbs is collected in two kits and placed on your back for about 40-50 minutes.
In addition, the use of other treatment methods, including medicated bath, foot bath, fumigation treatment, acupuncture treatment to repair the kidney and restore renal function. By the implementation of these treatments, when the active substance in the epithelial cells is released, the growth of the cysts will cease and the cyst fluid can be promoted when the blood circulation on the vesicle wall is activated.
As a result, these treatments can be completely vomited.

If you want to get some treatment suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.