
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Iga kidney disease diet method

To give adequate vitamins, in particular, to add vitamin c, because long-term chronic nephritis patients may have anemia, vitamin C can increase the absorption of iron, it should eat tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, fresh jujube, watermelon, heart radish, cucumber , Watermelon, citrus, kiwi and natural fruit juice and other food.

How Can I Control IgA Nephropathy with Food

Poor appetite can add vitamin c preparation; at the same time should be more vitamin B and folic acid-rich foods such as animal offal, green leafy vegetables and other foods, help to correct anemia. High potassium when you can not eat high potassium foods, to carefully use vegetables and fruits. Patients with chronic nephritis should avoid sugar beverages and irritating food.

IgA Nephropathy Diet Restrictions

Diet therapy for IgA nephropathy treatment is also important IgA nephropathy diet in addition to pay attention to food hygiene, to prevent gastrointestinal infections, the clinical manifestations are different taboo. For those who have no renal impairment, can eat high-quality animal protein, such as lean meat, milk, fish, eggs, etc., about 1.0g / kg body weight per day. Those who have high blood pressure, should limit the intake of salt, fasting pickled food. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, IgA nephropathy caused by the blood of the blood caused by excessive blood, so in the diet, it is appropriate to light-based, eat more vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates and the right amount of high-quality protein, And irritating food, and can choose the following therapeutic side treatment.advertising

Diet Therapy for Stage 3 IgA Nephropathy

Iga kidney disease recipe with Astragalus carp soup: Astragalus 10g, crucian carp l. Will crucian carp to the scales, internal organs, wash, with the astragalus into the casserole, small fire stew to fish cooked from the fire, eat fish soup, daily l agent, can Qi and kidney, reduce proteinuria. Gorgon broth: Gorgon 30g, lotus seeds 30g, lean pork 100g. Add water, the three with the soup, 2-3 times to take, can kidney astringent fine, reduce urinary protein. White fungus root soup: Rhizoma Imperatae 15g, mustard 15g, corn to 30g. The three were a total of cooking juice, when the tea, a daily dose. Can cure Yin Huo-wang caused by urine.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

