
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Possible causes of nephrotic syndrome

One, genetic
Nephrotic syndrome and genetic relationship exists, the relevant research shows that the family if the existence of nephrotic syndrome patients, the prevalence rate is higher than no family history, compatriots and twins in the incidence rate of 2% to 6%.

What Are the Causes of Relapse in Nephrotic Syndrome

Second, allergy
Related studies have shown that patients with nephrotic syndrome due to allergic onset accounted for 35.5%; also confirmed that some patients with nephrotic syndrome with eosinophilic granuloma, manifested as systemic edema, posterior lymph nodes, eosinophilic leukocyte levels Elevated, all proteinuria, hypoproteinemia and hyperlipidemia, serum IgE increased, the detection of patients with Candida albicans and diphtheria vaccine allergies and nephrotic syndrome.

The Prognosis of Nephrotic Syndrome


Third, immune abnormalities
Nephrotic syndrome is associated with humoral immunity, immune complex formation, and cellular immune abnormalities. It has been reported that serum C3 and C4 decreased, ASO and ASK increased in patients with nephrotic syndrome complicated with hemolytic uremic syndrome. The serum antibodies of EFLO3 were increased. Kidney biopsy under the computer to see fibrin-like material, subcutaneous electron dense material calm, some subcutaneous electron dense matter calm. Immunofluorescence antibody examination see IgG, IgA, IgM, C1q, C3, fibrin deposition. These changes impair kidney function and can lead to nephrotic syndrome.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

Prevention of nephrotic syndrome recurrence

Kidney syndrome has a certain recurrence rate. A group of statistics showed that renal recurrent treatment follow-up 36 months in the recurrence rate as high as 31%. Of course, some patients relapse, because the disease itself caused; there is a considerable proportion of recurrence, because the patient factors.

How To Treat Nephrotic Syndrome Without Making It Relapse


The first step should be closely with the doctor diagnosis and treatment, as soon as possible clear diagnosis. Conditional biopsy can be used for renal biopsy, determine the nature of the disease from the cell structure level, and then develop targeted treatment regimens.
What Is the Prevention of Nephrotic Syndrome

The second step in the program after the development of patients to do is strictly in accordance with doctor's advice. Medication must be taken by the dose, taking the cycle to reach the doctor's course of treatment; regular outpatient follow-up, follow the doctor's advice to adjust medication. Especially when the strong loose reduction to 20 to 25 mg per day, the recurrence of the opportunity more. Do not panic after relapse, and quickly contact the doctor, according to the disease adjustment program, often able to regain the relief. The treatment of nephropathy is relatively long, long treatment is easy to make some patients have slack mood, so stressed that "follow the doctor's advice, regular follow-up", is particularly important for reducing recurrence.
What Does Nephrotic Syndrome Patient Need on Diet

The third step to actively deal with infection. Kidney syndrome in the blood of a large number of proteins from the urine loss, loss of substances, including the composition of our immune line of important components, such as immunoglobulin, complement and so on. At the same time the body white blood cell function decreased, zinc and other trace elements are also lost. Which are seriously weakened the body's resistance to external pathogenic factors.
In the treatment, often use glucocorticoids, cytotoxic drugs and other immunosuppressive agents, which patients have weak immune defense line, is tantamount to worse. So kidney disease prone to infection, including respiratory infections, intestinal infections, peritonitis, pleurisy, subcutaneous soft tissue infections.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

How to effectively treat polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease, it is a serious threat to people's health and quality of life. Many patients with kidney disease are in pain and torture and pain. So how can we effectively treat polycystic kidney disease?

How to Shrink Cysts in PKD


Most of the polycystic kidney disease is a genetic factor, mainly for the renal cortex and medulla appear multiple sizes of liquid cysts. With its growth will be a lot of clinical symptoms, mainly proteinuria, hematuria, low back pain, blood pressure and so on. If not timely treatment, there may be kidney stones, and finally the development of uremia and other serious consequences. The current treatment of polycystic kidney disease are more analysis, such as intracapsular puncture drainage, decompression and renal resection, although they will temporarily remove the cyst, but can not fundamentally cure the disease, like "wild fire , Spring and wind and students. " But also some people think that kidney transplantation is the best way to solve the renal cysts, but, do not know, kidney transplantation has a great potential risk, do not say how high the cost, kidney more difficult to find, may lead to postoperative Of the exclusion of people on the discouraged.
How to Deal with Frequent Infection with PKD

Although the polycystic kidney disease patients face such a difficult state, but do not lose confidence, our experts after years of painstaking research, and finally the organic combination of Chinese and Western medicine, developed a set of effective treatment of polycystic kidney disease, therapy. It starts from the etiology of polycystic kidney disease, through the blood circulation, remove toxins, cysts slowly shrink and disappear, repair damaged kidneys, improve renal function, from the fundamental treatment of renal cysts. If you are still suffering from polycystic kidney disease, for the long illness and pain, you can contact our online experts or try to use micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy, he will bring you unexpected harvest.
PKD Treatment: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy


In addition to the treatment of treatment, usually in the details of the family we can slow down the process of polycystic kidney disease, such as diet, polycystic kidney disease patients need to limit the intake of salt, water protein intake, eat some rich in vitamins, iron fruit Vegetables and so on. In normal life but also to prevent colds, prevent trauma, control blood pressure, limit alcohol and so on.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 

What therapy can help patients with polycystic kidney disease to eliminate cysts

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, many of which are filled with kidney fluid, and as time goes on, the number and size of the kidneys are growing. Expanded cysts easily affect your life, and what can be used to eliminate cysts?

How to Shrink Cysts in PKD with Natural Remedies


On the elimination of cysts, patients can use two methods, one is surgical treatment, the other is Chinese medicine.
Elimination of cyst surgery
It is used to insert the needle into your body to break down the cyst. Surgery is a common way to eliminate the cysts in vitro, shortening the cyst has a faster effect, but surgery can only eliminate large cysts, but can not eliminate small cysts. In addition, the cyst can only eliminate the cyst outside the kidney, but can not eliminate the cyst within the kidney. As a result, the volume of cysts and cysts in the kidneys will be increasing, affecting kidney function again.

PKD Treatment: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy


Chinese medicine dissolves cysts
Traditional Chinese medicine takes a long time to eliminate cysts, but fundamentally eliminate cysts. In the Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, a comprehensive treatment of renal cysts complete contraction. Micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy is a natural treatment, can naturally and completely eliminate the cyst, no adverse effects on patients.
How to dissolve kidney cysts?
This is a topical therapy that contains large amounts of herbs in this therapy, in addition, herbs are refined into powder to increase its efficiency, and then the powder is collected into two pockets and placed on your back about 40- 50 minutes. By connecting the osmolator and the two packs, the active substance in herbs will penetrate directly into the kidney lesion. At the same time, enough blood, oxygen and nutrients can also be sent directly to the kidneys.

How to Shrink Cysts in PKD


On the one hand, by preventing the release of active substances in epithelial cells, to prevent the growth of cysts, on the other hand, by increasing the cystic surface of the blood circulation to promote cyst fluid excretion.

If you want to learn more about how natural treatments can remove the details of the body cysts?

You can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.  We will do our best to help you.

Iga kidney disease diet method

To give adequate vitamins, in particular, to add vitamin c, because long-term chronic nephritis patients may have anemia, vitamin C can increase the absorption of iron, it should eat tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, fresh jujube, watermelon, heart radish, cucumber , Watermelon, citrus, kiwi and natural fruit juice and other food.

How Can I Control IgA Nephropathy with Food

Poor appetite can add vitamin c preparation; at the same time should be more vitamin B and folic acid-rich foods such as animal offal, green leafy vegetables and other foods, help to correct anemia. High potassium when you can not eat high potassium foods, to carefully use vegetables and fruits. Patients with chronic nephritis should avoid sugar beverages and irritating food.

IgA Nephropathy Diet Restrictions

Diet therapy for IgA nephropathy treatment is also important IgA nephropathy diet in addition to pay attention to food hygiene, to prevent gastrointestinal infections, the clinical manifestations are different taboo. For those who have no renal impairment, can eat high-quality animal protein, such as lean meat, milk, fish, eggs, etc., about 1.0g / kg body weight per day. Those who have high blood pressure, should limit the intake of salt, fasting pickled food. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, IgA nephropathy caused by the blood of the blood caused by excessive blood, so in the diet, it is appropriate to light-based, eat more vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates and the right amount of high-quality protein, And irritating food, and can choose the following therapeutic side treatment.advertising

Diet Therapy for Stage 3 IgA Nephropathy

Iga kidney disease recipe with Astragalus carp soup: Astragalus 10g, crucian carp l. Will crucian carp to the scales, internal organs, wash, with the astragalus into the casserole, small fire stew to fish cooked from the fire, eat fish soup, daily l agent, can Qi and kidney, reduce proteinuria. Gorgon broth: Gorgon 30g, lotus seeds 30g, lean pork 100g. Add water, the three with the soup, 2-3 times to take, can kidney astringent fine, reduce urinary protein. White fungus root soup: Rhizoma Imperatae 15g, mustard 15g, corn to 30g. The three were a total of cooking juice, when the tea, a daily dose. Can cure Yin Huo-wang caused by urine.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.