
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Diabetic nephropathy prevention

Early prevention of diabetic nephropathy is very important, common preventive measures have the following:

1, all the diabetic course of more than 5 years, should always check the renal function, urine protein qualitative, 24-hour urine protein quantitative, and pay attention to measure blood pressure, do fundus examination.

How to Increase Kidney Function in Diabetic Nephropathy

2, conditional, should do urinary microprotein determination and β2-microglobulin determination to early detection of diabetic nephropathy. If the urine microalbumin increased, to 3 to 6 months even measured 3 times to determine whether the sustained microalbuminuria.
Is Brown Rice Good for Diabetic Nephropathy

3, if determined to increase microalbumin, and can rule out other factors that cause it to increase, such as urinary tract infection, exercise, essential hypertension, should be highly vigilant. And pay attention to efforts to control blood sugar, making it as close as possible. If the blood pressure> 18.7 / 12kPa, it should be positive blood pressure, so that blood pressure maintained in the normal range. At the same time, should also emphasize low salt, low protein diet, good quality protein is better.

Diet Plan for Diabetic-Hypertensive And High Creatinine

Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

