
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Prevention of kidney disease by traditional Chinese medicine

Chronic renal disease clinical manifestations of proteinuria, hematuria, edema, hypertension, renal dysfunction. Most patients with early symptoms or less symptoms, with the progress of the disease, there may be fatigue, fatigue, eyelid face edema. Lower amine edema, a large number of urine foam, nocturia increased performance. When the above symptoms, especially for many years of diabetes, hypertensive patients, should be timely or regular to the hospital.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

 Specific precautions are available
1 to adjust the way of life: to quit smoking, weight control, limit salt intake. Edema should be limited when the daily limit of drinking water. Renal function damage, the proposed high-quality low-protein, high calcium and low phosphorus diet.


2 active treatment of basic disease: for primary kidney disease or autoimmune kidney disease, if necessary, should be prescribed by the use of hormones or immunosuppressive agents; secondary to diabetes, hypertension and other chronic diseases of kidney damage, first of all should actively control the original Incidence, control of blood sugar, blood pressure.
3 strict control of hypertension: sustained and effective control of hypertension, blood pressure compliance is to reverse or delay the progress of chronic kidney disease one of the main factors. Preferred are angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin receptor antagonist (ARB) with renal protection and reduced urinary protein action.

Blood Purification

4 effectively reduce proteinuria, correct hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia.
5 for symptomatic treatment of complications.
Chinese medicine that the kidney for the innate of this, possession of real yin and live in real yang, should be hidden and should not be vent, so kidney disease more common virtual syndrome. At present, the majority of doctors believe that the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease and the development of the pathogenesis of the characteristics of "virtual virtual", "the virtual standard real", is the evil is the invasion of evil, diet fatigue, Leading to impaired righteousness, mainly for the lung, spleen, kidney three dirty virtual, and even five internal organs involved. Is virtual Qi blood flow run adverse, brewing water wet, hot and humid, congestion, cloud poison evil. Is virtual and evil both stalemate each other, resulting in chronic kidney disease difficult to recover.

Acupuncture           Moxibustion               Full Bath

Chinese medicine treatment of chronic kidney disease rooted in the basic principles of TCM syndrome differentiation, with acupuncture, acupuncture therapy; there are blood stasis, expelling wind through the network of Chinese medicine foot bath bath to ease the role of the disease. Through the massage, cupping topical and other auxiliary treatment.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.
Hope that the patients will be helpful!

