
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Nephritis how to treat good results

General nephritis is divided into acute and chronic two, due to acute nephritis in the clinical disease is obvious, so it is easy to find, if the timely and effective treatment can be achieved completely cured. But if the treatment is not timely will be transferred to chronic nephritis, to the treatment to bring some difficulties. Because chronic nephritis is a migratory disease, his condition will slowly deteriorate over time. Plus the early symptoms of chronic nephritis is less obvious and many patients carelessness, often found when the disease has developed to a certain extent, although we are found after active treatment, but often the effect of treatment is not very obvious, then this Is it why? This requires us from the means of treatment to analyze the reasons.

Blood Pollution Therapy

Now the medical industry treatment of nephritis is the most common Western medicine Tripterygium, cyclophosphamide and other hormones and herbs. We said that the most fundamental cause of nephritis is the inherent damage to the cells, but the hormone disease can not proceed from the cause of treatment, treatment is the treatment of surface phenomena, coupled with a lot of patients themselves staring at proteinuria, serum creatinine, etc. Indicators of the level, so do not pay attention to the root cause, often the clinical symptoms do not feel the cure. But I do not know, this approach to the performance of the disease can not fundamentally cut off the root, when the infection, cold, kidney disease will recur. On the other hand, although the traditional Chinese medicine has a certain effect on the treatment, but we all know that most of the traditional Chinese medicine are oral, these drugs in the body through the blood circulation can reach the kidney lesions are very few, resulting in efficacy Lack of embarrassment, but also to the treatment to bring some impact. So the treatment process is often the disease repeatedly, for a long time is not good, so many patients will produce "nephritis is not simply cure?" Such problems.


Nephritis is not an incurable disease? The face of many patients with clinical manifestations of repeated, can not be completely eliminated, and some nephritis patients continue to intensify the condition, and even the development of uremic period, many patients have produced, for example, "nephritis is incurable" Suspicion, it is not right. If in accordance with the norms of the system of Russian treatment to treatment is sure to be able to cure. So what is the standard system of treatment?
First, the human system is different, so the use of other people's treatment methods are not necessarily suitable for their own, so the so-called remedies, ancestral secret recipe is simply not cure the disease. Treatment must also be based on their own circumstances to develop a comprehensive, individual treatment program.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Second, according to the patient's own condition to targeted treatment. Like renal failure in patients with nephritis early to certainly not good quality; early nephritis patients to eat kidney failure patients will be excessive, increased kidney damage is the same reason.
Third, we must seize the root cause treatment, which is the focus of treatment. Treatment of stress indicators first cure, tackling the problem. Cut off the root in order to completely cure. Just by medicine and traditional herbs to treat the clinical manifestations of kidney disease, edema, edema. Hematuria is not feasible at all. But also from the perspective of cytology repair damaged cells, making the patient's body to restore metabolism of the kidneys, drainage and drainage function in order to completely eliminate the clinical symptoms, to achieve the purpose of complete cure.

Moxibustion Therapy


Fourth, to maintain a calm state of mind. Patients must maintain a good attitude to face the disease, not because of emotional affect the treatment of the disease. Of course, long-term adherence to treatment is also very important, only long-term adherence to treatment in order to make the kidneys completely repaired, only the kidney completely repaired, the disease can not relapse.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

