
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

IgA nephritis patients how to self-care

Nephropathy is a chronic disease, so in the treatment of IgA nephritis nephropathy, the role of doctors and drugs can not be all-round, patients and their families on all aspects of daily life attention and attention is the most important part of the important. Then as a kidney disease patients at home should be how to self-care? Is there any good way? Here on the IgA nephritis patients with self-care of several methods and precautions, IgA nephritis patients and their families should be careful to comply with, to speed up the recovery rate.

Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy

First, to understand IgA nephritis related knowledgeAs IgA nephritis clinical manifestations, different pathological types, so the diagnosis and treatment are not the same, and the treatment may be longer. Some patients need to undergo a biopsy of the kidney to confirm the diagnosis, to guide the treatment and to determine the development of the disease, the patient knowledge of the relevant knowledge if you can reduce blind fear and strengthen with the doctor.
How Much Vitamin C Can IgA Nephropathy Patients Take Every Day

Second, adequate rest and proper exerciseTo ensure that patients with IgA nephritis adequate sleep. Sleep in bed, there is more blood back to the kidney, is conducive to the recovery of IgA nephritis. Adults are guaranteed sleep every day for 7 to 8 hours. Sleep environment to be quiet, bedtime available warm water feet to help sleep. Do not drink tea before going to bed coffee, do not eat food, or hinder sleep. Moderate workout. For patients with mild or more stable condition, should encourage their participation in the work and exercise appropriate exercise. Such as walking, doing gymnastics, playing tai chi are a good choice. However, it should be noted that the work and exercise to follow the progressive, relaxed and appropriate, reasonable time to avoid excessive fatigue and strenuous exercise.

How Can I Control IgA Nephropathy with Food

Third, IgA nephritis patients to adjust the dietChronic IgA nephritis patients should be light taste, avoid alcohol and tobacco and spicy food, renal damage occurs when the need to limit the intake of protein in the diet to eggs, milk, lean meat and other animal-based, and oral essential amino acids to prevent malnutrition.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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