
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Edema symptoms

Edema according to the distribution can be divided into systemic edema (ana-sarca) and local edema (local edema). Edema is often named for reasons such as cardiogenic edema, hepatic edema, renal edema, nutritional deficiencies, edema of edema, edema of venous obstruction, inflammatory edema, and so on.
First, systemic edema
1, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, syphilis and other causes and valvular, myocardial and other diseases caused by congestive heart failure, constrictive pericarditis and so on.
2, renal acute glomerulonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis renal failure, renal arteriosclerosis, renal tubular disease.
3, liver cirrhosis, liver necrosis, liver cancer, acute hepatitis and so on.
4, nutrition ① lack of primary food intake, found in war or other causes (such as severe famine) caused by hunger; ② secondary malnutrition edema seen in a variety of pathological conditions, such as secondary feeding Such as anorexia, loss of appetite during severe illness, gastrointestinal disorders, pregnancy and vomiting, mental disorders, oral disorders, etc.), digestion and absorption disorders (lack of digestive juice, intestinal peristalsis, reduced area, etc.), excretion or loss (Large area burns and exudation, acute or chronic blood loss, proteinuria, etc.) and damage to protein synthesis, severe diffuse liver disease.
5, gestational pregnancy in the second half, pregnancy poisoning and so on.
6, endocrine antidiuretic hormone secretion syndrome (Syndrom of Inappropriate secretion of ADH, SI-ADH), adrenal insufficiency (Cushing's syndrome, aldosterone secretion increased), hypothyroidism (anterior pituitary dysfunction , Hypothalamic thymosin release hormone secretion), hyperthyroidism and so on.
7, idiopathic type of edema for a reason unknown or cause has not yet been determined (the reason may be more than one) syndrome, more common in women, often associated with the cyclical nature of menstruation.
Second, local edema
1, lymphatic primary lymphatic edema (congenital lymphoid edema, early onset lymphatic edema), secondary lymphoid edema (tumor, infection, surgery, radiation, etc.).
2, venous obstructive tumor compression or tumor metastasis, local inflammation, venous thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, scar contraction and trauma. Can be divided into chronic venous insufficiency, superior vena cava obstruction syndrome, inferior vena cava obstruction syndrome and other venous obstruction.
3, inflammation is the most common local edema. Seen in the erysipelas, boils swollen, Ludovici (Ludovici) angina, snake venom poisoning.
4, allergic urticaria, serum disease and food, drugs, irritating external medicine and other allergic reactions.
5, vascular neurosis may be allergic or neurogenic, can be due to insects, mechanical stimulation, warm stimulation or emotional excitement induced. Some cases are related to inheritance.

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