
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Integrative treatment of chronic kidney disease

Prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease is a systematic process, the patient must be a lifelong comprehensive monitoring, guidance and treatment. This process should be accompanied by a physician under the guidance of a kidney specialist and related subjects (such as cardiovascular, nutritional, rehabilitation) physicians and primary physicians (community hospital physicians); the systematic process in which the patient and his family are involved.

What Would Be the Ways to Prolong Stage 4 CKD Patient

First, the progress of renal dysfunction:
1, early prevention: also known as "primary prevention" refers to the occurrence of chronic renal failure before the start of prevention. Including early screening of kidney disease, active control of kidney disease and possible kidney disease, to prevent the occurrence of chronic kidney disease.

2, to strengthen follow-up: regular follow-up and control of chronic kidney disease are closely related to the progress of patients with planned treatment and guidance can help patients reduce or avoid certain incentives to promote renal failure, such as drug damage, dehydration The amount of blood deficiency caused by cold, excessive fatigue, urinary obstruction, infection, bleeding, etc., or can be detected and corrected early.
Featured Chinese Treatment for Diabetic Kidney Disease

3, the active treatment of primary kidney disease. Proteinuria is the most common clinical manifestation of glomerular disease, a large number of persistent proteinuria poor prognosis, and urine protein or less control of patients, the prognosis is good. Proteinuria has become an independent risk factor for the prognosis of chronic kidney disease.
4, the possible involvement of kidney disease active control, especially hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome. Control of renal or essential hypertension can prevent glomerular sclerosis. Control of hypertension (or diabetic nephropathy) can be applied to small doses of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (Lotensin), can reduce the pressure within the glomerulus, which can ease the state of high filtration.

Polycystic Kidney Disease: How Can I Get Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

 5, lower blood lipids, correct lipid metabolism disorders: First, the intake of fat should be appropriate, while appropriate physical activity and appropriate calorie intake should also pay attention to, if necessary, can also use hypolipidemic drugs.
6, anticoagulation and improve microcirculation: anti-platelet drugs or blood circulation to delay the process of renal failure beneficial.
Second, reduce cardiovascular complications and other complications (such as: malnutrition, anemia, high blood pressure, bone disease, etc.). If necessary, for renal replacement therapy, that is, kidney.

At What Creatinine Level Dialysis Is Needed

The purpose of treatment is ultimately to improve the survival rate, quality of life and social life rate of return. The integration of prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease is not only the use of certain new drugs, new inspection methods, but also the kidney doctor's medical philosophy, changes in work patterns, and the patient's understanding of their own diseases.

 No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293 Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Prevention of renal failure in hypertensive patients

Hypertension on the heart, brain, kidney damage is great, the recent research on these aspects are also of concern. And hypertension caused by the most serious kidney damage than uremia, and blood pressure control in the ideal level is to prevent damage to renal prerequisites, the specific measures are as follows:

High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease 

1, regular check renal function. Including endogenous creatinine clearance, serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, preferably every 2 months check 1.

2, close observation of whether there is early symptoms of uremia. Such as fatigue, weakness, backache and other weak symptoms such as weakness, loss of appetite or nausea and vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms, and pale complexion, pale tongue, lips, pale eyelids and other anemia. Once the relevant symptoms, should promptly check the renal function to confirm whether the abnormal.

Is Chinese Medicine Good For End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

3, hypertensive nephropathy uremic period. Those who reduce the elimination of endogenous creatinine, serum creatinine, elevated blood urea nitrogen patients, this time can not see themselves as simple hypertension, because these are common symptoms of hypertensive nephropathy. And the development of hypertensive nephropathy to this extent has been very serious, and this time the treatment should be in accordance with the early treatment of hypertension nephropathy treatment program to implement.

Natural Treatment for End Stage Renal Failure in China

4, taking antihypertensive drugs to protect the kidney and kidney-based. Hypertensive patients, whether it is not developed to the stage of hypertensive nephropathy, in the choice of antihypertensive drugs should be based on no nephrotoxic drugs prevail, if you can play a better function to protect kidney function. Studies have shown that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists, calcium channel blockers and β-blockers in the antihypertensive at the same time have the role of protecting the kidneys. In the treatment of hypertension, such as the use of Western medicine at the same time, with the regulation of lifting, liver and kidney function of traditional Chinese medicine, to maintain blood pressure stability and protection of renal function have a good effect.

 No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.  

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Diabetic nephropathy daily prevention?

Diabetes has been the pain of people's minds, diabetes prevention of diabetic nephropathy can prevent the malignant development of diabetic nephropathy, early completion of the treatment of diabetic nephropathy.

Treatment to Improve Renal Function for Diabetic Kidney Disease

Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy 1, adjust the diet: reduce the amount of protein intake, not only beneficial to renal failure, but also help reduce the amount of proteinuria discharge. General daily intake of protein does not exceed 30 to 40 grams. Choose high quality protein, such as milk, eggs, meat. Soy products, etc. should be limited.

Diabetic Kidney Disease With High Creatinine 12.91: What Should Be Treatment

Prevention of diabetic nephropathy 2, long-term effective control of diabetes: hyperglycemia is the development of diabetic nephropathy, the basic factors, early detection of diabetes and to be properly treated, as far as possible to restore the normal metabolism of the three substances is very critical. Blood glucose control at the normal level, often make early renal pathological changes to restore, but if the progress of clinical kidney play, even if strict control of blood sugar, the effect is poor, it is the most important thing to prevent diabetic nephropathy.

What Diet Can I Eat to Reduce High Creatinine Level in Diabetic Nephropathy

Prevention of diabetic nephropathy 3, active treatment of hypertension: antihypertensive treatment, for the delay of glomerular filtration rate is very important. Blood pressure control is often reduced after the discharge of proteinuria. To reduce blood pressure to 16.8 / l1.5 kPa (126/80 mm Hg), treatment of hypertension at that time was more important than the treatment of hyperglycemia, but both were to be done at the same time.

Diabetic Nephropathy: You Should Know the Tips to Slow Down Its Progression

Prevention of diabetic nephropathy 4, do not use harmful drugs such as gentamicin, streptomycin, amikacin and so on.
Prevention of diabetic nephropathy 5, to improve renal vascular disease: to vasodilator drugs, anti-blood collection of Tibetan medicine and blood circulation drugs.

Hope that the patients will be helpful! 

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail
or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

Chronic nephritis symptoms of hematuria how to do?

Chronic nephritis and hematuria is how is it? Chronic nephritis and hematuria in medicine is occult blood, nephritis is mainly urinary occult blood. Occult blood is the glomerular filtration membrane barrier damage performance, under normal circumstances the glomerular filtration membrane barrier can block the leakage of red blood cells, when it is subject to a variety of pathogenic factors after the invasion of the damaged membrane The barrier will attract the blood of inflammatory cells to infiltrate, resulting in a local ischemia and hypoxia, filtration membrane barrier pore size increases, the charge barrier damage, increased permeability, red blood cells from the leakage, this time the urine test will appear hematuria.

Blood in urine and kidney disease

 So how to treat chronic nephritis hematuria?

Micro-traditional Chinese medicine has a further effect of repairing new effects, and can fundamentally remove urine protein. Repair of renal pathological damage is actually a slow process, repair new is important, but the early blood and blood stasis clear the same important, because any kidney disease repair, must be based on the removal of the lesion on the basis; only true After the Huoxuetongluo, stasis clear after the two processes, still continue to adhere to medication, it may be damaged kidney repair, and only in the damaged kidney was repaired, the urine disappeared gradually disappeared, urinary protein will gradually Reduce, until the negative, no recurrence.

How to Deal with Creatinine 2.7 and Proteinuria in Glomerulonephritis

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.   

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Nursing of lupus nephritis

   As lupus erythematosus patients with long-term use of glucocorticoids, easy to cause steroid diabetes and Cushing syndrome, it is appropriate to control appetite, eat less high sugar content of food. Lupus nephritis patients should be more calcium supplement to prevent glucocorticoid caused by osteoporosis; eat more foods rich in vitamins and fruits.

Lupus Nephritis: Basics, Diagnosis, Symptoms and Treatment

   Lupus nephritis patients should not eat or eat less food with enhanced light sensitivity: such as figs, vetch, rape, yellow pepper and celery, such as eating should avoid sun exposure. Mushrooms, mushrooms and other mushrooms and certain food dyes and tobacco can also induce systemic lupus erythematosus potential role, but also try not to eat or eat less.

Lupus with Creatinine 121: Does It Mean I Have Kidney Failure

   Patients with lupus nephritis should be associated with high protein diet with renal damage in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus often have a large number of protein loss from the urine, can cause hypoproteinemia, it must add enough high-quality protein, drink milk, eat more beans Products, eggs, lean meat, fish and other protein-rich foods.

Home Remedies for Lowering Creatinine Level 4.1 with Lupus Nephritis
 No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail
or WhatsApp +8613633219293.  

 Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Treatment of renal failure

First, the principle of diet control

1, intake of enough heat;

2, pay attention to control the intake of water and salt (sodium);

3, the appropriate protein intake;

4, to avoid containing high potassium and high phosphorus food.

Diet & Fitness for Kidney Failure

Second, the following to introduce you to a few treatment "chronic renal failure" diet recipe

1, take 50 grams of lean pork, jujube 10, 1 egg with a decoction after taking.

2, take corn to 50 grams, add 600 ml of water, suffering 20 - 30 minutes, boiled 300 ml after the filter service.

3, take 20 grams of ginger, Daozhi heating water blunt, can vomit, cold, warm stomach.

Diet for Kidney Failure Patients on Dialysis

4, with rhubarb 6 grams, 6 grams of licorice, Shuijianbi.

5, take cool Banxia 9 grams research fine, each 3 grams of ginger soup sent, can cure chronic renal failure caused by intractable vomiting.

6, with fresh tomatoes 2, every morning fasting dipped in sugar to eat, there is heat and blood pressure to stop bleeding effect.

7, with 100 grams of white radish leaves smashed juice, with water delivery service.

Low Phosphorus Diet for People with Kidney Failure

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail :, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.
Hope that the patients will be helpful!

How long can kidney failure dialysis treatment survive?

Kidney dialysis is an important means of treatment of renal failure, which is only temporary replacement of renal function, but also play a temporary role in alleviating the development of kidney disease.

Is Chinese Medicine Good For End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

Once a period of time without regular dialysis, serum creatinine and urea nitrogen will rise rapidly, the body will be a variety of complications. Renal failure patients to actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment, for treatment should be confident not impatient, a good attitude is the key to the treatment of disease.
And for creatinine is too high, such as renal failure development to end-stage uremia, and serious complications of patients, the patient too much toxins or their own feel bad, vomiting, vomiting, skin itching and other clinical symptoms, then Patients should be actively dialysis, or at any time there will be life-threatening.

Options of Treatment for Kidney Failure And The Period It Takes to Recover

Patients should be treated in other areas without life-threatening conditions. The significance of dialysis is: for the next step to restore the function of the kidney to provide a stable body environment. At this point dialysis is necessary, is the treatment of adjunctive means, if the patient at this time decisively refused to dialysis, is undoubtedly the things that can not tell the priorities, but also irresponsible to life.
Into the stage of chronic renal failure patients, the equivalent of entering the terminal stage of chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney failure can live long? For patients with chronic renal failure has been, how long can live, and not a good limit.

Options of Treatment for Kidney Failure And The Period It Takes to Recover

If the patient is still in the early stages of renal failure, it is entirely possible long-term survival, simply said that in this period of treatment is very effective.

 No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293. Hope that the patients will be helpful!

What is good for kidney failure?

First of all, the amount of protein into the less and fine.
For patients with renal failure, the protein intake, we must pay attention to less and fine, you can use animal protein, such as eggs, milk, lean meat and so on. Plant protein generally contains non-essential amino acids, biological efficiency is low, it should be limited. The daily intake of protein can be determined according to the creatinine clearance rate (Ccr), such as Ccr <5 ml / min, the daily protein intake control in 18 to 20 grams; Ccr 5 to 10 ml / min, ~ 25 grams; Ccr> 10 ml / min, every day to 25 to 35 grams.

What Food Can Control the Kidney Failure

Second, vitamins are also important.
Vitamin intake This is also very important for patients with renal failure, renal failure patients, due to poor appetite, resulting in too little vitamin diet; other uremia itself can lead to changes in water-soluble vitamin metabolism, so Patients with chronic renal failure should pay attention to vitamin B family, vitamin C and other supplements. And should not be added vitamin A, because the body of vitamin A increased, can stimulate the secretion of thyroid hormone caused by renal bone malnutrition, can also cause fat metabolism disorders, resulting in increased levels of cholesterol, triglycerides

What Can I Eat If Have Kidney Failure

Finally, intake of a certain amount of heat.
In the diet arrangements, renal failure patients should pay attention to intake of certain calories, that through the relevant research, the patients with renal failure, daily intake of about 8368 ~ 12552 kJ (2000 ~ 3000 kcal), its source Mainly rely on sugar and fat. Changes in lipids in food can affect the progress of different types of kidney disease, including unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and other experiments confirmed that can prevent deterioration of renal function. Because linoleic acid is a precursor of synthetic prostaglandins, by affecting the level of prostaglandins and renal function play a protective role. Therefore, in order to ensure the supply of unsaturated fatty acids in food, vegetable oil should be replaced with animal fat.

Foods to Avoid with Renal Dysfunction

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients
gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail, or . WhatsApp +8613633219293

Etiology and harm of renal failure

Leading to kidney failure
1, metabolic abnormalities caused by kidney damage: such as diabetic nephropathy, gouty kidney disease and amyloidosis kidney disease.

What Are Tips for New Kidney Failure Patients to Protect Kidney

2, vascular nephropathy: such as hypertension, renal vascular hypertension, renal arteriosclerosis and so on.
3, systemic systemic diseases: such as lupus nephritis, vasculitis kidney damage, multiple myeloma and so on.
4, toxic kidney disease: such as analgesic nephropathy, heavy metal toxic kidney disease.
5, obstructive nephropathy: such as ureteral obstruction, reflux kidney disease, urinary tract stones and so on.

Recommended Treatment for Improving Renal Function in Kidney Failure

 Renal failure

Nose bleeding: the body coagulation dysfunction, causing patients often nosebleeds.
Anemia: erythropoietin decreased, the patient will produce anger and other symptoms of anemia.
Fracture: produce metabolic vitamin D3 decreased, the patient is easy to fracture.
Hypoglycemia: renal inactivation of insulin in the body, the original high blood sugar in patients with diabetes will appear hypoglycemia.
Heart failure: renal failure when the body of toxins and acidosis inhibit the cardiomyocyte contraction and relaxation ability to induce heart failure.

Options of Treatment for Kidney Failure And The Period It Takes to Recover

Uremic encephalopathy: patients with renal failure due to the toxicity of the body can not be cleared, resulting in central nervous system damage, which led to auditory hallucinations, convulsions, epilepsy, aphasia and other symptoms.

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients
gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

Diabetic nephropathy is the key to control!

If the kidney can not be found early, early treatment, it is easy to develop into a dominant proteinuria, causing renal insufficiency, and ultimately may develop into a chronic renal failure, endangering the lives and health of patients. Effectively prevent or delay the progress of diabetic nephropathy, the specific method is as follows:

First, to strictly control blood pressure. Hypertension can cause damage to the kidneys, and antihypertensive therapy is important for improving glomerular filtration rate. In the early stages of diabetes, the treatment of hypertension may be more important than the control of blood sugar, but both at the same time.

How to Control Creatinine 3.2 and High Blood Pressure in Diabetic Nephropathy
    Second, effective control of diabetes, which is the primary factor in the prevention of various complications. Therefore, patients from the beginning to take exercise, diet and drugs combined with the combination of treatment, so that blood sugar fell to the ideal range and maintain long-term stable state, in order to reduce the incidence of diabetic nephropathy.
How to Reduce Creatinine 363 for Patients with Diabetes

    Third, the control of protein intake, excessive protein will increase the burden on the kidneys, is not conducive to the control of diabetic nephropathy. Experts suggest that patients with diabetic nephropathy daily intake of protein should not exceed 40g.

Fourth, diabetic patients should regularly check the kidney, the saying goes frozen three feet non-day cold. The development of renal damage in diabetic patients is the gradual accumulation of the process. Diabetic patients should be regularly to the hospital test glomerular filtration rate and urinary albumin excretion rate, early detection of diabetic nephropathy, early treatment.

Natural Medicines and Herbs for Diabetic Nephropathy 

    Fifth, kidney disease as a diabetic complications, diet and diabetes also has a different principle, because the principle of diabetes nephropathy diet requires high quality protein diet. The so-called high-quality, milk protein is the best, followed by eggs, eggs, protein, followed by fish protein, lean protein, and plant protein for poor quality protein, such as soy products, daily bread, rice contains protein, Should be limited, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys.

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients
gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

Hypertensive nephropathy high population

Hypertensive nephropathy sufferers of the age of the population has been over the years, to high blood pressure history of more than six years in the elderly, the initial increase in the phenomenon of nocturia, followed by proteinuria, individual cases can occur due to capillary rupture Transient naked eye hematuria, but not with significant low back pain, once found symptoms, should seek medical attention immediately for further examination.

Top 6 Healthy Foods for Hypertensive Nephropathy

    The patient's blood pressure is usually a continuous increase in the body or local edema, the majority of arteriosclerotic retinopathy, when the eye has a striped, flame-like bleeding and cotton-like soft exudation, support malignant renal arteriosclerosis Diagnosis, accompanied by hypertensive encephalopathy may have the corresponding signs of the nervous system. The clinical manifestations of the disease varied and complex, should be differentiated with other kidney disease in order to take effective symptomatic treatment, should exclude a variety of secondary hypertension, especially chronic nephritis hypertension. Malignant renal arteriosclerosis should be acute and progressive nephritis, systemic vasculitis and other disease phase identification. (Red blood cells, white blood cells, transparent tube type) less, may have hematuria; early blood uric acid increased, urine NAG (urine, white blood cells, transparent tube type) Enzyme, β2-MG increased, urine concentration - dilution dysfunction; Ccr more slowly decreased, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine increased. Renal tubular damage more than glomerular damage.

Foods to Eat and Avoid with Hypertensive Nephropathy

    Hypertensive nephropathy in the elderly population has been over the years, to the history of hypertension for more than six years in the elderly, should cause everyone's attention and vigilance, take preventive measures.

 No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293

Chronic uveitis in patients with hematuria symptoms how to do

Chronic nephritis and hematuria is how is it? Chronic nephritis and hematuria in medicine is occult blood, nephritis is mainly urinary occult blood. Occult blood is the glomerular filtration membrane barrier damage performance, under normal circumstances the glomerular filtration membrane barrier can block the leakage of red blood cells, when it is subject to a variety of pathogenic factors after the invasion of the damaged membrane The barrier will attract the blood of inflammatory cells to infiltrate, resulting in a local ischemia and hypoxia, filtration membrane barrier pore size increases, the charge barrier damage, increased permeability, red blood cells from the leakage, this time the urine test will appear hematuria.

Immunotherapy for Chronic Kidney Disease

 So how to treat chronic nephritis hematuria?

Micro-traditional Chinese medicine has a further effect of repairing new effects, and can fundamentally remove urine protein. Repair of renal pathological damage is actually a slow process, repair new is important, but the early blood and blood stasis clear the same important, because any kidney disease repair, must be based on the removal of the lesion on the basis; only true After the Huoxuetongluo, stasis clear after the two processes, still continue to adhere to medication, it may be damaged kidney repair, and only in the damaged kidney was repaired, the urine disappeared gradually disappeared, urinary protein will gradually Reduce, until the negative, no recurrence.

What Procedure Should We Follow for Using Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients
gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293

Do you need to pay attention to the changes in polycystic kidney disease?

People are very different from the adaptability of natural climate change, especially for patients with various types of kidney disease, including polycystic kidney disease, due to the special physiological and pathological characteristics of the kidney, resulting in their climate change can produce a high degree of sensitivity.

Daily Care Tips for People with Polycystic Kidney Disease

    Spring all things germinal, beneficial to the rehabilitation of kidney disease, but windy, it is easy to Feng Xie; summer hot and vulnerable to fire evil; hot summer and wet, Shushi evil easily hurt the body; autumn dry, Lung and kidney; winter cold, kidney disease patients and easy to hurt yang. From our clinical point of view, the hottest and the coldest year for the patients with polycystic kidney disease are easy to make adverse changes in the disease, the climate is easy to merge a variety of infections, such as urinary tract infection, intestinal infection , Upper respiratory tract infection, etc., and these infections will directly or indirectly make polycystic kidney disease development; climate is cold, polycystic kidney disease patients, especially the third phase, the fourth phase of the patient, due to poor physical immunity, easy Cold cold, not only increased kidney disease, blood pressure and other conditions are also affected.

Can PKD Develop into End-Stage Kidney Failure without Dialysis

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293. You can also learn more about us from this website:

Chinese medicine treatment of renal failure 2(For the treatment of the course of the disease)

For the treatment of the course of the disease
The process of development of chronic renal failure, that is, the effective reduction of effective nephrons, renal function is constantly losing the process. In this process, the kidneys gradually atrophy, a large number of glomerular sclerosis, renal tubular - interstitial fibrosis. Therefore, the process of renal failure, that is, the degree of renal fibrosis continue to deepen the process. Blocking the process of renal fibrosis for the effective control of disease progression to uremia is important.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure Patients

Blocking the process of renal fibrosis has been a major problem in the medical profession, although there are some scientific research institutions that some of the traditional Chinese medicine to block the process of renal fibrosis have a certain effect, but the real application to the clinical not much. The hospital used by the drug is a high-tech micro-treatment series of traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine by micro-treatment, the increase in activity, many of the traditional conditions are difficult to play a role in the drug composition, but also to play a full role.

Can I Avoid Dialysis After Chinese Medicine Treatments

The formation of renal fibrosis, the extracellular matrix of a large number of synthesis and accumulation played a key role. Extracellular matrix accumulation, will lead to kidney tissue results and loss of function. In this process, the large number of myofibroblasts generated on the synthesis of extracellular matrix plays a major role, it can be said that myofibroblasts are the main source of extracellular matrix. To this end to block the process of renal fibrosis, renal interstitial fibrous cells must be blocked to a large number of fibroblasts into a fundamental link. The mechanism of the synthesis of difficult to degrade the collagen, the mechanism of action is: Chinese medicine active substances in the human body and myofibroblast molecules close fusion (molecular valence bond), fusion, the composition of myofibroblasts Degradation, to promote muscle fibroblasts cracked, broken. Split, broken fibroblasts are phagocytosed by phagocytic cells or become debris in vitro.

Recommended Treatment for Improving Renal Function in Kidney Failure

The core of treatment for renal failure is to block the deterioration of renal fibrosis, and the key to blocking the deterioration of renal fibrosis is to find a drug that prevents normal cells from converting into myofibroblasts.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.

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Chinese medicine treatment of renal failure 1(For the treatment of etiology)

Micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy is actually a micro-traditional Chinese medicine to block the process of renal fibrosis in a systematic treatment, based on the latest theory of kidney disease diagnosis of renal failure patients medication and treatment measures to develop and implement. The core technology is to treat kidney disease after the micro-treatment of Chinese medicine, and then evenly distributed in the two kidney areas, with the micro-treatment instrument for infiltration. Treatment of renal failure micro-traditional Chinese medicine combined with Western symptomatic treatment, if necessary, using hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis treatment, but this is only a supplementary measure, not the key to treatment.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

For the treatment of etiology
The treatment of the cause is from the "source" treatment of renal failure. The cause of renal failure is due to various causes of kidney damage and inherent cell damage. With glomerular kidney failure as an example, we can explain our treatment: glomerular disease is an immune disease, the onset of incentives often by antigen or antibody binding to form immune complex, and deposited in the glomeruli (Immune complex). In the inflammatory mediators (such as complement, interleukin, reactive oxygen species, etc.) involved, and finally lead to glomerular injury. In the practice of treatment, the main measures are taken:

Is Chinese Medicine Good For End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

(1) expansion of the renal artery, increased glomerular, renal tubular, renal interstitial effective infusion, accelerate the maintenance of damaged cells i, ease its hypoxia.
(2) expansion of the whole body arteries, reduce and ease the body pressure state, especially to reduce the glomerular pressure, reduce glomerular hyperthyroidism.
(3) by accelerating the feeding method, to avoid endothelial cells are not activated to inhibit the formation of micro-tethered.
(4) to inhibit the proliferation and infiltration of a series of inflammatory factors by accelerating blood velocity and by adequate supply to prevent the abnormal release of inflammatory cells that have been activated.

Natural Treatment for End Stage Renal Failure in China

Clinical observation of the reality, through the implementation of the above four treatment measures, the normal metabolism of glomerular activation, when the glomerular condition improved, the whole function of the kidney also improved

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.

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Rehabilitation of chronic glomerulonephritis

 Chronic nephritis patients with low immunity and immune function, physical strength is also poor, especially with anemia, hypoproteinemia, renal insufficiency in patients. Sports activities is a need to consume physical activity, and fatigue is caused by chronic nephritis recurrent, causing renal dysfunction or acute exacerbation of chronic kidney inflammation of the important incentives. Therefore, the rehabilitation of chronic nephritis should first prevent the recurrence of the disease.
What Treatments Are Available for Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis

   1, repeated attacks prevention
Leading to chronic recurrent nephritis for many reasons, first with the pathological type of nephritis itself, such as some pathological type itself is irreversible, such as focal segmental glomerular sclerosis; secondly, with the rational use of drugs or not, Especially the rational application of hormones and cytotoxic drugs, antihypertensive drugs is essential. Inpatients in this area is often able to better deal with, but the outpatients are relatively easy to ignore, especially the mild performance of the patient, the patient often do not follow the doctor's advice, self-increase or even disable the drug, resulting in the emergence of rebound phenomenon. Third, the efficacy of certain drugs itself is not sure, such as dipyridamole, etc. to reduce the role of urinary protein, often after repeated treatment as usual. Fourth, the immune function of chronic nephritis is low, especially with anemia and hypoproteinemia, their physical and resistance are low, intolerance fatigue, susceptible to infection, once the life and work irregular, that is, because of infection Upper respiratory tract infection, fatigue and other factors induced by aggravation, and even manifested as acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis, or lead to deterioration of renal function. Fifth, misuse of nephrotoxic drugs, the most misuse of aminoglycoside antibiotics such as gentamicin, etc., if leading to deterioration of renal function, causing uremia. In addition, when the condition is unstable, due to pregnancy, long-distance travel, sports often lead to repeated or aggravated condition. Impaired renal function, but also because of inappropriate diet and increased renal insufficiency.

Alternative Medicines for Glomerulonephritis

  2, the so-called chronic nephritis recurrent, including the following aspects:
(1) after treatment, proteinuria or hematuria to reduce or disappear, after a period of time, but also the emergence of proteinuria or hematuria.
(2) some clinical symptoms, especially high blood pressure, after treatment can be reduced to normal, and then repeatedly increased.
(3) acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis.
(4) renal dysfunction, repeated BUN, serum creatinine when the high and low, can not be stable at a better level.

How to Improve GFR 34 in Glomerulonephritis

    To prevent the recurrence of chronic nephritis and protect renal function, must be between doctors and patients with each other, the patient in all aspects of life are always pay attention to their own kidney condition. Strictly in accordance with the guidance of the specialist to choose and take drugs, to develop a good living habits, work and rest, to avoid overwork, in the condition is stable, it can not be forgotten so, avoid long distance travel and excessive work, Prohibited, isolated, should be appropriate exercise, enhance their ability to fight disease. Renal function has been impaired, avoid using nephrotoxic drugs. Diet should be selected according to the doctor's request food, should not blindly tonic.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.

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What are the dangers of diabetic nephropathy?

Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes, but also a more serious one. Some patients with diabetic nephropathy due to the disease is not timely effective control, the development of uremia.

Natural Medicines and Herbs for Diabetic Nephropathy

    The mortality rate of uremia is very high, which makes a lot of diabetic patients die due to kidney disease. Diabetic nephropathy in the literature of Chinese medicine, both diarrhea, but also belong to the scope of nephrotic edema, urine turbidity, fullness, customs and other diseases, the pathogenesis of kidney-based, early micro-leakage, Gasification adverse, water within the stop, and even the cloud poison intrinsic, dirty gas deficiency, easy to change certificate, the total is the virtual standard disease. In recent years, with the prolongation of human life expectancy, life diet, structural changes, the prevalence of diabetes is increasing linearly, and because of the improvement of treatment methods, the survival time increases, so the kidney and other complications also increased. According to the latest statistics, China is currently about 50 million people are facing the threat of diabetes.

How Serious Is Creatinine Level 2.9 for Diabetic Nephropathy

    In some Western countries, about 35% of diabetic nephropathy developed to the late stage of renal failure. Type I (IDDM) diabetes has a higher proportion of diabetic nephropathy, about 35% to 50%, type II (NIDDM) incidence of about 20%. However, patients with diabetes, type II patients far more than the incidence of type I, so in patients with diabetic renal failure dialysis patients in type II accounted for 70% to 80%. The disease is a diabetic systemic microvascular disease performance, clinical features for proteinuria, progressive renal dysfunction, hypertension, edema, late severe renal failure, diabetes is one of the major causes of death.

Diabetic Patients with Creatinine 3.4: What Should Be the Treatment
    Once the diabetic patients found that kidney disease, should be immediately admitted to actively cooperate with the physician treatment, to prevent further development of the disease, which led to the occurrence of uremia.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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Hypertensive nephropathy should pay attention to what?

Had a high blood pressure kidney disease must be treated as soon as possible, do not delay the disease, leading to renal failure, renal insufficiency and other serious kidney disease. Here to give you explain how to treat hypertensive nephropathy.

Early, mild hypertension and urine are normal patients can be non-drug treatment, to maintain a good mood, weight loss limit salt, limited alcohol training Qigong and Taijiquan appropriate physical exercise.

How to Lower Creatinine 5.5 in Hypertensive Nephropathy

    Commonly used antihypertensive drugs are: 1. Diuretics; 2.β receptor blockers; 3. Calcium antagonists; 4. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI). Among them, calcium antagonists, ACEI are more favorable for hemodynamics of the kidneys. ACEI reduces urinary protein better than other antihypertensive drugs so that blood pressure can be effectively controlled to normal or near normal (18.7 / 12kPa, 140/90mmHg) can prevent and stabilize Or delay the hypertensive kidney damage.

Natural Ways to Improve the Prognosis of Hypertensive Nephropathy
    Malignant renal arteriosclerosis patients in the short term rapid deterioration of renal function, combined with hypertensive encephalopathy, rapid decline in vision, intracranial hemorrhage, and can not be oral medication, intravenous administration of sodium nitroprusside commonly used search, and strive to 12 ~ 24-hour control of long-term pressure can quickly reduce blood pressure, suitable for the initial treatment of malignant hypertension.

How to Lower Creatinine 2.8 in Hypertensive Nephropathy
    Accompanied by hyperlipidemia, diabetes and hyperuricemia, should be given the appropriate treatment. At the same time the application of anti-platelet aggregation and adhesion of drugs, such as dipyridamole, aspirin, etc., may have to prevent the role of renal arteriosclerosis.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.

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What are the signs of renal cysts?

Renal cyst disease in the course of the disease there will be some minor signs of disease. The following symptoms are in the early onset of renal cysts will appear in some clinical features.

Kidney Cyst: Signs And Symptoms That Indicate Growth Of Cysts

    1, usually, at the beginning of the onset of time, renal cyst patients will be obvious waist and abdomen discomfort, which is mainly due to the patient's cysts continue to enlarge and expand, so that increased renal capsule tension, Pull, or make the adjacent organs caused by pressure, if serious, it is easy to lead to cyst rupture, to patients with very great damage.

Early Signs and Symptoms With Kidney Cyst

    2, the emergence of hematuria is a patient based on self-diagnosis is also an important basis for the incidence of renal cysts is a typical sign of signs, general hematuria can be divided into microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria. General hematuria in the onset of low back pain often exacerbated, strenuous exercise, trauma, infection can be induced or aggravated. The cause of bleeding is because there are many arteries below the wall, due to increased pressure or combined infection, so that the wall of blood vessels due to excessive traction and bleeding.

What are Symptoms of Kidney Cyst

    3, during the onset of renal cysts in patients with abdominal mass will continue to increase, and gradually on the patient's kidney caused serious harm. For the patient's abdominal mass, 60-80% can reach the swollen kidneys, when these lumps to a certain extent, due to the patient's internal organs of the pressure back to the cyst rupture, so that the worse the kidney function. In addition, which proteinuria is an important feature of renal cysts, generally not much, 24 hours urine will not exceed 2 grams, it will not happen nephrotic syndrome.

If not to the timely treatment will lead to deterioration of the disease, the final occurrence of renal failure, so patients with renal cysts must take early treatment measures.

 Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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Nephrotic syndrome diet attention to what

Nephrotic syndrome patients in the usual life, should pay attention to the diet on the problem, to know that, clinically, a lot of patients with nephrotic syndrome diseases, often due to improper diet and lead to deterioration of the disease, and even accelerate the death Of the situation, we must have nephrotic syndrome disease have enough vigilance, it is best to be able to prevent the main.

Which Food Can Help Nephrotic Syndrome Anemia

1, should be soft food, avoid hard food and fried food
Chronic nephrotic syndrome in the usual diet, the general is recommended to soft food mainly at the same time, should also pay attention to control the hard food, and control of fried food, to know is that patients due to toxins retention in the body and blood microcirculation disorders Causes gastrointestinal mucosa often congestion, erosion status, if the case of eating hard food, it is likely to lead to bleeding is difficult to stop, leading to death.

What Does Nephrotic Syndrome Patient Need on Diet

2, diet should be light, avoid spicy spicy food
Patients with chronic nephrotic syndrome, if too much consumption of irritating food in the case, can lead to gastrointestinal mucosa often congestion, erosion of the state, which the patient's condition is very large, the most common case That is, can lead to endometrial blood vessels bleeding situation.

Can Diet Reduce Creatinine Of 2.5 for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

3, eat sheep, cattle and other meat products should be cautious
Patients with chronic nephrotic syndrome should pay attention to the control of mutton, beef and other hair, these foods can directly increase the patient's condition, or even increase the patient's condition, should have enough attention in this regard, in addition, chronic kidney disease Syndrome patients is best in the usual life, the appropriate physical exercise, but the amount of exercise must be based on the patient's physical condition and decide.

Are Green Leafy Vegetables Good for Nephrotic Syndrome


 Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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