
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Kidney Disease Patients Daily Health Care Note

(A) the correct diet: kidney disease diet varies with the disease, must follow the guidance of physicians and dietitians.
(B) to prevent infection: to avoid bacterial infection, reduce the incidence of kidney disease deterioration, such as: respiratory infections, fever, etc., this time should seek medical treatment, not negligence.
(C) to develop the correct concept of medical care

1, on time medication, follow the doctor's instructions, not automatically withdrawal or dosing, so that the disease deteriorated or produce side effects.

2, sick to indiscriminate surgery, looking for a fixed physician treatment, if any discomfort, that should contact the specialist, do not superstitious remedial treatment.

(D) special medical treatment by the doctor after the decision: such as special drugs, dialysis treatment or kidney.

(E) women who wish to plan pregnancy should consult with the specialist, during pregnancy often need to track the examination, so that early detection of renal function changes in order to avoid harm to the mother and the fetus.

(6) follow-up examination of patients with kidney disease: regular follow-up examination can assess whether the renal function is stable or continue to deteriorate, so that early to do further treatment.

(7) regular measurement of body weight and blood pressure, to prevent edema or blood pressure increased.

(8) moderate exercise and rest, avoid fatigue and tension.

