Early to actively control diabetes, stable blood sugar at normal levels, to prevent kidney damage and deterioration of renal function. You can use diet therapy and insulin to control blood sugar.
How to Prevent Diabetic Kidney Disease for Diabetes Patients
Patients with hypoproteinemia should be low or no salt diet, in the case of renal function permits, may be appropriate to increase the protein intake. If there is renal insufficiency and azotemia, the protein intake to limit the shelf life, that is, the daily protein into the protein does not exceed 0.5g / kg body weight, mainly to high-quality animal protein, the appropriate increase in carbohydrate intake, Fat is best to use vegetable oil.
How Can I Keep My Kidneys Healthy with Diabetes
Insulin consumption should be based on individual principles, renal failure, renal degradation of insulin capacity decreased, and renal failure can reduce the impaired glucose, showing insulin antagonism, so the application of insulin should be appropriate reduction. Renal insufficiency when the filter sugar from the urine to reduce, so according to the patient's blood glucose levels to adjust the amount of insulin. Effective control of blood pressure can delay the occurrence of renal failure.
Care Plan or Interventions of Diabetic Nephropathy
Commonly used antihypertensive drugs are calcium antagonists such as nifedipine, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors such as captopril, biodeceptors such as metoprolol, and vasodilators such as prazosin. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors have the effect of reducing glomerular perfusion pressure, slowing glomerular sclerosis, protecting renal function, and are often used as a drug of choice. In addition to glomerular sclerosis, diabetes is often accompanied by Pyelonephritis, should use sensitive, nephrotoxic antibiotics to prevent and control the infection. In addition, there are swollen, who can give spironolactone and benzothiadiazine drugs. Intractable edema, available furosemide and sodium urinate. Renal failure, renal failure should be handled, if necessary, dialysis or kidney transplantation.
How to Lower Creatinine 5.3 in Diabetic Nephropathy