
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Integrative Medicine can treat nephropathy

Often urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria from the urethra into the bladder, common for urgency, frequent urination, dysuria, and even accompanied by lower back pain and abdominal pain. Bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms can be directly from the urinary tract retrograde into the kidney, so that the incidence of kidney infection. Therefore, when there is frequent urination, urgency, especially the emergence of proteinuria and other symptoms, to timely medical treatment, early treatment, if once the development of chronic kidney disease, do not overly panic, because kidney disease as a comprehensive disease, the cause is very complex , The symptoms are not the same, so can not be anxious to seek medical advice or by virtue of self-feeling clothes service.


According to the disease and physical changes in the dynamic combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment system, is based on traditional Chinese medicine theory and Chinese medicine as the core, to prove the effective Western medicine clinical theory and Western means as the basis, sub-individual physical and sub-disease stage of treatment to patients The body's own immune capacity of the protection, recovery, promotion and strengthening as the main treatment concept to "integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine immunization balance therapy" unique Chinese and American hospital hospital features, with infusion, acupuncture, fumigation hyperthermia, acupuncture points and massage And resting and other systematic methods, all-round due to the dynamic treatment of the disease, and strive to delay hemodialysis, to patients for control and delay the chance of illness, for treatment time.
Traditional Chinese Medicine

In the clinical treatment of kidney disease on the traditional Chinese medicine that: a variety of kidney disease can develop late renal failure uremia, which kidney stasis, spleen and kidney decay, turbidity, wet, water retention is the key to the disease pathogenesis. Disease caused by organ damage, qi deficiency qi stagnation, resulting in blood stasis, due to the kidney of the turbidity, spleen transport function dysfunction, leading to wet deposition, spleen and kidney decay, two will lose the Secretary, serum creatinine, urea nitrogen and other metabolites Retention of the body. Cloud Yin is not vent, or blinded heart, or provoke liver wind, or on the spleen and stomach, or camping blood, or water and gas Ling heart off the lungs, which show all kinds of critical disease.
Micro-Chinese Medicine

The treatment of kidney disease, the current general, Chinese medicine should be better than Western medicine, and the best combination of Chinese and Western medicine therapy, and the patient's highest satisfaction rate of treatment. Because Western medicine on the treatment of various kidney disease, side effects obvious, and easy to relapse. In addition to dialysis, kidney transplantation, the still lack of the ideal method Moreover, dialysis can only maintain life, palliative, and easy to rely on the treatment of uremia. Moreover, the success rate of kidney transplantation is low, the exclusion phenomenon is difficult to solve, coupled with expensive, often make patients discouraged. While the treatment of Chinese medicine is facing a long course of treatment, slow and so on.
Four 'One' Therapy

In the treatment of "traditional Chinese medicine combined with immune balance therapy" treatment of nephropathy the best. Because the "combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine immunization balance therapy" is based on the patient's disease characteristics as the core, all programs are based on individual physical and traditional Chinese medicine dialect as the starting point for the individual treatment of patients, according to the patient's individual constitution, duration, pathology by the doctor Patients set a separate program, for the treatment of the stage and the treatment of individual differences in different ways to adjust the program.

Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

