1, dialysis patients pay attention to protein intake: the use of high quality bio-potent animal protein-based, such as milk, eggs, fish, lean meat, add all kinds of essential amino acids. Plant soybeans, although peanut contains high protein, but must contain less amino acids, should not eat.
2, dialysis patients pay attention to protein calorie intake: under normal circumstances 30 ~ 45kcal / kg / d, depending on individual differences.
3, dialysis patients pay attention to protein calcium and other substances added: calcium, zinc and iron, and a sufficient amount of B vitamins
5, dialysis patients pay attention to protein sodium: sodium should be limited to 2 ~ 3g per day to prevent high blood pressure and heart failure.
6, dialysis patients pay attention to protein potassium limit: limit the intake of potassium to prevent hyperkalemia.
7, dialysis patients pay attention to protein phosphorus: high phosphorus and low calcium can cause metabolic bone disease, to avoid eating high phosphorus foods such as animal heart, brain, kidney, liver, plant soybeans, peanuts and other food.
8, dialysis patients pay attention to protein Diabetic nephropathy in patients with dietary considerations in addition to follow the principles of diabetic nephropathy treatment, the following should pay attention to the following:
After dialysis due to improved condition, increased appetite, diet, the total calories and protein should be appropriate before dialysis increased. Each dialysis about lost protein 2 ~ 3.5g. After dialysis, the protein content of the diet is given from 1 to 1.2 g / kg body weight per day, and 2 eggs per day, 5OOml of milk, and the amount of fish, meat, etc. are large for hemodialysis, and the diet should be supplemented with rich iron content And vitamin C food to eat low-phosphorus diet, but also add aluminum hydroxide to reduce the absorption of phosphorus dialysis a large number of vitamin loss should be given enough vitamin B and vitamin C.
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